15 Thoughts on “Why would we applaud American failure? Ask a Teabagger.

  1. Unfortunately, the American taxpayer was not on the same side as the Obamas and the rest of the Chicago machine, so their failure was indeed a victory.

    I’ve talked to vendors at trade shows there and they absolutely hate the place. The Union thugs won’t even let you screw in a lightbulb, that’s in their contract and you pay through the nose. Prices go up every year, even when attendance is down. Laws of Economics don’t apply there.

    The IOC simply wasn’t impressed with the last minute, emotion-laden, specifics lacking pitch from the constantly campaigning team Obama. Unfortuately, he now has one more reason to hate the secret ballot.

    Look for Obama to propose an Olympic Free Choice Act in time for the next round. That way he can simply collect signed post cards from each IOC member he delivers a bag of cash to.

  2. Costner on October 6, 2009 at 11:48 am said:

    It was rumored Chicago was in 4th place before Obama paid his visit, and they ended up in 4th place after he left. I’d chalk that up to a waste of a day…but then again the less they get done in Washington the better off we are, so maybe we actually won?

    Interesting side fact: All wiring in the city of Chicago (residential included) must be ran inside conduit and no romex is allowed by city code. The reason? It requires more labor to install conduit and pull wire through it, and thus electricians can charge more for their efforts. The electricians union has fought for it and even threatened to strike if the rule was changed, so city code officials simply go along with the status quo.

    It is those types of examples that really give people a distaste for unions – although I guess this has nothing to do with Chicago not getting the Olympics.

  3. Angry Guy on October 6, 2009 at 11:50 am said:

    It’s been so long, I’d forgotten what joy it brings me to say it..

    STFU, Sy.

  4. Angry Goat:

    “It’s been so long, I’d forgotten what joy it brings me to say it..

    STFU, Sy.”

    Were you gone? No one noticed.

  5. Your union bashing bullshit aside, there is no reason to applaud America losing the olympics, no matter who is the president. Yes, it was a shitty, last ditch effort by the Obama’s, but whatever happened to ‘patriotism’?

    I just think it is soooo tacky that we would clap at losing an international event?

  6. Costner on October 6, 2009 at 1:51 pm said:

    Well I can’t speak for Sy’s motivation, but to be honest I think it was long overdue for South America to host the Olympics. We’ve had the honor several times in the past as recently as 96 for summer and 02 for winter, and even though I would have liked to see it again, I think Rio was a great choice and I can’t fault the IOC for selecting them.

    If the US does host the Olympics again in the next 20 years, I’d like to see it in New York.

    You know technically Chicago already won the right to host the Olympics back in 1904, but it was moved to St. Louis. Maybe the IOC is still holding a grudge.

  7. I would agree that RIO is a good choice, and Chicago probably wasn’t the best city for the event, but I am still baffled that Americans would be happy we lost the event. Hell, China was spray painting their grass green to get the Olympics, we instead paint ourselves yellow.

  8. Costner on October 6, 2009 at 1:59 pm said:

    If people are actually happy about losing the event, it is for the same reason people protest against government spending via tea parties.

    It isn’t about the event or the spending… it is their blind party faith that forces them to hate Obama, anything he does, anything he says, or anything he stands for.

    I mean honestly – there are actually people out there who are happy we didn’t get the Olympics because it is just one more thing they can use against Obama.

    Amazing or pathetic… your choice.

  9. Ghost of Dude on October 6, 2009 at 3:05 pm said:

    Well I can’t speak for Sy’s motivation, but to be honest I think it was long overdue for South America to host the Olympics. We’ve had the honor several times in the past as recently as 96 for summer and 02 for winter, and even though I would have liked to see it again, I think Rio was a great choice and I can’t fault the IOC for selecting them.

    I’ve heard the same that south america was overdue to host the games. And if beijing was selected in spite of china’s human rights record, I really doubt chicago’s union regulations or rio’s crime rate had any bearing on the IOC’s decision this time around.
    More likely, the vote was rigged because south american (and african) countries have been left out for a long time.

    I wonder how they’re going to hide the favellas outside rio. Curtains?

  10. Steve Sibson on October 6, 2009 at 3:45 pm said:

    It takes a socialist to applaud the effort of a Marxist to line the pockets of his allies through corruption. You call that American?

  11. Well at least my initials are not ‘SS’

  12. Ghost of Dude on October 6, 2009 at 6:30 pm said:

    It takes a socialist to applaud the effort of a Marxist to line the pockets of his allies through corruption. You call that American?

    America has been that way since the industrial revolution. It’s just that some people only notice it when the other team is in power.

  13. GoD, are you challenging Sibby’s infinite wisdom?

  14. So is that something like Dick Cheney working for Halliburton and then becoming VP or P and giving Halliburton all the contract$?

  15. “So is that something like Dick Cheney working for Halliburton and then becoming VP or P and giving Halliburton all the contract$?”

    Of course not Helga…when Republicans do it, it’s just good business. When Democrats do it, it’s corruption.

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