South DaCola

Yeah! The South Dakota Democratic party gets it, now will the party of no follow suit?


This is great news, but I have a feeling this has more to do with swinging indies towards their candidates then anything;

South Dakota Democrats are opening their primary elections to independent voters, as the state’s minority party reaches out to a growing segment of voters with increasing ballot clout.

And how are those NEW Republican registrations coming?

The state Republican Party currently holds a registration edge of more than 35,000 over the Democrats. But the gap has been shrinking in recent years. Democrats gained more than 13,000 registered voters between general elections in 2006 and 2008, ending that election cycle with 204,413. Republicans gained about 1,400 during that period, ending up at 241,528.

Looks like people are flocking to the party of NO . . . BAHAHAHAHAHA!

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