South DaCola

Finally, a group of parents tell the SF School Board to put up, or shut up


While I disagree with this parent group’s intentions (shortening the school year), I agree 100% with putting this issue to a vote. It is blatantly obvious that Homan and the School Board are inept in solving problems and listening to parents.

“We have a right to make decisions about our kids and we want to be heard about it and we want the people we elected to listen to us.” Rhonda Lockwood is one of several Sioux Falls parents who came to the board meeting, armed with 3,000 letters from parents who want the school year to start after Labor Day, saying Sioux Falls kids get short changed out of three weeks of summer time and family time.

Paul Jennings has been following it from the start and says if school is delayed, it would throw off semester testing schedules and potentially hurt kids who are already struggling in school. “If they have to wait 2 weeks after christmas to take their tests, they surely would not be in the passing category.”

Like I said above, I don’t agree with their intentions, Paul is right, kids actually should be in school more instead of less, but I also agree parents should have the right to make that decision, I’ll give these parents credit for being directly involved with their kid’s education.

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