South DaCola

Fines, Schmines . . . Rules, schmules

Ah, but another example of the special interests in Sioux Falls getting a free pass;

Two political action committees that donated to City Council candidates in the 2008 election filed late campaign finance reports. But neither has paid fines, prompting questions about what, if anything, should be done.

Well, I am no lawyer, but logic would tell me they can’t donate anymore money until they their pay fines,

The fines could be reduced or forgiven, he added. But Amundson (City Attorney) ruled out prohibiting the PACs from participating in the next election if they don’t pay their fines, saying that would be too “harsh.”

What is so “harsh” about that? Rules are rules? Fines are fines. When is the last time a traffic judge found someone guilty of speeding but told that person they didn’t have to pay the fines because that would be to ‘Harsh’. A penalty is meant to teach you a lesson for breaking the law, doesn’t matter if that law has changed, it applies to when the rules were broken.

Some city councilors have suggested that the fines be forgiven or reduced.

I would be okay with a reduction, but not forgiven. Once again, Sioux Falls politics prove, it’s who yah know, not what yah know.

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