Joan Rivers

Why is it when people subject themselves to something they don’t like, they complain about it later, instead of just leaving?

I attended the recent Joan Rivers performance, and the first word I heard from the stage caused me to wonder if I had gone to the wrong place. For two hours I and my fellow sufferers were subjected to what passes for humor on the Left Coast: a scathing commentary on the culture and the values that inform it that we “morons” in fly-over country have been reluctant to discard.

Yeah, it was so awful, I sat through the full TWO HOURS!

People my age sat in stony silence while the young, who have been conditioned by a culture on the skids to regard as funny any attack on the hypocrisies of their parents, responded with enthusiasm.

Because, IT IS FUNNY! It may not be what you like, but how in the Hell don’t you know what kind of humor Joan Rivers does ahead of time? I think you went on purpose so you could bitch about it later.

Listening to this crude, ignorant woman besmirch our magnificent Washington Pavilion caused me to contrast her performance with that of the Sioux Falls Symphony and being transported by the magic of Mozart or Mahler.

What’s next for the Pavilion? Mud wrestling or pole dancing? Would the place have to be fumigated after Rivers’ abuse of us innocents?

I’m disgusted, and so should you be.

I’m disgusted to, disgusted that you don’t know the purpose of a publicly funded entertainment facility – to entertain EVERYONE. I applaud the Pavilion for doing the show.

By l3wis

17 thoughts on “If you didn’t like what you were hearing, why didn’t you just leave?”
  1. I saw her in Vegas a few years ago. She was entertaining and funny. Either the reviewer is not open to deviated humor or Joan has lost her appeal. Maybe she flew in here on the Northwest mosquito and was just in a really bad mood.

  2. One of friends went and said it was really funny (and vulgar) but like I said above, that’s Joan Rivers.

  3. Naughty, obscene and down right vulgar. I though I might pee my pants at one point, when she took a joke to the gutter, over and over.

    I knew this type of letter would happen, with all of the fuddy duddys around who sat with barley a smirk.

    She made fun of celebrities who she called friends (Cher, Bragelina and such, and also our fine community, especially the Falls).

    The lame part is that MANY of the seats (and the ones I was in) were GIVEN to military families. Not sure if that was on the WP or Joan’s part, but it was a fantastic night to LAUGH.

    And as she said at the end of her show, “It’s a joke, all I am is an entertainer”, and with that she DID!

  4. To explain:
    It was not lame that tix were given to military families, but SO many in that section seemed bothered.

    I was grateful that I could see the show and laugh till my sides ached.
    If I ever get the chance to see her again, I will, and next time will pay my way!

  5. The whiners are clueless. They haven’t been out of the county or state in years. There is more than one major reporter in South Dakota who hasn’t been on a plane in more than a decade. They have no idea what’s going on in the world outside of South Dakota.

  6. I’d also like to know if Carl N. Haan bought his tix or if he was part of the free section.

  7. Joan has always been part of the USO tours, going way back, so that might have been the reason

  8. I should write a letter to the editor about going to the Symphony and how it was full of snobby people at the event just to look at each other.

  9. Lewis Black was “ha ha HA” while Joan was “HA HAHAHAHAHAHA, oh my god, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA”

  10. This reminds me of the guy who went to the movie “Eyes Wide Shut” thinking it was a documentary about blind people.

    He later complained to the manager about the “disgusting filth” and mentioned how he sat through the entire thing… twice.

  11. The whiners are clueless. They haven’t been out of the county or state in years. There is more than one major reporter in South Dakota who hasn’t been on a plane in more than a decade. They have no idea what’s going on in the world outside of South Dakota.

    I’m amazed at the number of people here for whom this is the case. Their only look at the outside world is through the eyes of Fox News.

    Social conservatives have no sense of humor. I have yet to see a good comedian who is also a pro-life, anti-gay, neocon, real american ™, religious zealot. Why? Because there’s nothing funny that doesn’t offend them.

  12. “Social conservatives have no sense of humor.”

    Not always the case, ignorant social conservatives don’t have a sense of humor. I know a social conservative who has a fantastic sense of humor, and I think he laughs at conservatives more then liberals.

  13. You mean to tell me Fred Phelps isn’t a comedian?

    Damn…my entire theory about the bastardization of a civilized society just got flushed down the crapper.

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