By l3wis

4 thoughts on “In response”
  1. I agree to a point, I think Kermit does make some poor stances occasionally, but I think most of the time he is right on. You also have to understand that 90% of the time Kermit makes a stance is to spur council discussion, that is what effective government bodies are supposed to do, discuss and debate and tell the public why they are voting yes or no. I don’t always agree with him, but at least he explains himself and is not trying to hide anything.

  2. City government has not been responsive. Staggers has done well interjecting trying to provoke change. He’s not succeeded because the mayor is King and the council is virtually powerless. Citizens have watched while wind energy production chose Brandon, the oil industry chose Elk Point, and a resort chose Larchwood. Principle business interests in Sioux Falls were banking, health care, construction, and agriculture. Call centers are laying off, credit cards have new restrictions, health care will become nationalized, construction pace is none, and agriculture is overproduction with weak crop prices. Will the last one to leave Sioux Falls please turn off the lights.

  3. You bring up a good point. I always think it is funny how they say Kermit is pissing in the wind, while the rest of them drink Munson’s kool-aid.

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