South DaCola

Ironic Johnny is one hot commodity (H/T – Helga)

Hubba, Hubba!

Republicans say the Democratic proposals fail to address the problem of rising medical costs. Sen. John Thune (R., S.D.) said the Democrats’ legislation will cripple the economy by increasing taxes. “It’s going to fall on a lot of average middle-class Americans,” Mr. Thune said.

You obviously are misleading the public, again. First off, where is your concern about the middle-class over the billions wasted in the Iraq & Afghan wars? Or GW’s TARP funding? Or the fact that 50% of bankruptcies are due to medical bills? As for your tax concerns, I don’t know too many ‘middle-class’ Americans making $500,000 a year, that may be in your world John, but not in mine (those will be the individuals taxed to pay for health reform).

‘Regular guy’ Thune is hot commodity in GOP circles

By Dana Bash, CNN Senior Congressional Correspondent
November 10, 2009 — Updated 2315 GMT (0715 HKT)
Washington (CNN) — He walks through Washington’s Reagan National Airport, arriving as he does nearly every Monday from a weekend home in South Dakota. He makes his way unnoticed.

But John Thune’s anonymity may not last forever.

He is a Republican on the rise: a freshman senator who is already a member of the GOP leadership.

As head of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, Thune runs the weekly strategy session where all Senate Republicans try to find consensus on the best way to challenge President Obama and the Democratic majority.

“It’s probably the most candid assessment that we have in a given week,” Thune said, riding the subway to the Tuesday lunch.

With just 40 Republicans in the Senate now, Thune insists that there is still a diversity of GOP views — but one that he argues must be expanded.

“Because, like, there is tall white men, short white men, old white men and middle-aged white men, in our party”

Thune argues that Republicans can rebuild only by uniting around a promise to control spending — and meaning it.

His big push these days is to return unused bailout money.

“The TARP program now has over $300 billion of unspent funds. Why not end that program and apply it to the federal debt?”

Thune is concerned about the spending? What rock were you living under the past 8 years? I think you are more concerned about a black man as president, just admit it already.

“We want to see more people joining our party,” Thune said.

White, Christian conservatives, that is.

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