I have held off on this story for awhile, but I will give you a tidbit today, until I hear more. It was no mistake that platting fees came in way under projection this past year, but it’s not because of developers but because of the city. According to rumors I have heard the city started looking into the low numbers and discovered that developers found a loophole in the fee collection and the city just became aware of it recently, now the city is scrambling to fix it and the developers are not one bit too happy about it. I could give two-shits either way, my concern is since taxpayers were forced to pay their fair share by only one vote by our mayor we should either get a refund or put the money in a savings account until the platting fees catch up, or suspend the tax all together. We were duked into the tax increase by the city’s planning office and I don’t think it is fair that we pay a tax that was based on a lie.
More of this story to come. I’m assuming the City Council will have to vote on any changes and I guarantee their will be a shitstorm when that happens. I’ll keep you posted.
i agree with you, dude, but your grammar is also a big freaking mess.
At least it isn’t costing you any taxdollars.
With 4 developer related people on the council, I know who wins this one. I did subdivision plan and profile development in Dallas (land surveyor). Developers there have strict criteria for design, specs, install, and inspections. They pay all paving and utilities construction. Here, the taxpayer foots much of the bill. In particular, Sioux Falls curb and gutter design is very poor. The biggest reason homes here are cheap is the infrastructure is so poor. Platting fees are minor, make them pay for all streets and utilities and demand that they build with stricter guidelines. Fear of making this retroactive for any development where platting fees were not paid should catch them up. It’s city right-of-way and tearing up some streets mandating a better design is a good way to get this going.
i’m sure the city council or the school board could find a way to tax poor grammar. they’ve been pretty inventive, lately.
Well they need to start with their own councilors, specifically Litz and babble butt Quen Be De Knudson.