South DaCola

Is the SF Event Center Task Force trying to sell us another White Elephant?

While I support a new EC, one of the main reasons why I think we should use a permanent BB & B Tax, is because not only would the tax make payments on the bond, it could help subsidize the EC and Convention Center;

But consulting firm Conventions, Sports and Leisure also said the city could expect to increase its arena and convention subsidy by about $400,000 annually.

I believe this number is low, especially in the first 5-10 years the place is open. Why pull more money out of an already tightening city budget to subsidize conventions, and an events center? Since we are $137 million dollars backlogged on road repair, I think the current city budget should be spent on infrastructure and essential services, not more subsidies. The current CC and Pavilion are still subsidized by the city, 10 years after they have opened. We need to learn some lessons from the past.

Teri Ellis Schmidt, executive director of the Convention and Visitors Bureau, said there is “quite a long list” of organizations that would use an expanded convention center.

Talk, Talk, Talk. Until you can back that up with names of ACTUAL clients you sound exactly like you did 10 years ago. What did you do with that list? Shred it?

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