While the Gargoyle Leader constantly rails that teachers need to get paid better, apparently they only mean full-time teachers;

While some people are concerned that substitute rates don’t reflect full-time teachers’ salaries, the daily amount that Sioux Falls substitutes get is a fair rate on several levels.

For one thing, the $90 daily salary is well within the range that is paid in neighboring school districts.

Brandon Valley pays $85.

Harrisburg pays $95.

West Central is the highest, with $107.

I guess they forgot to mention the teeny-weeny town of Tea, SD pays $115 a day. It is no secret who the AL is talking about when they say ‘While some people’ , Theresa Stehly, who is heading up the effort for more sub pay. The AL still has sour grapes over the indoor pool vote and any chance they get they will try to get back at her about it, even chiding KSFY into dedicating a segment tonight about a new indoor pool (drop it already, voters rejected it, move on).

The irony of all this is that the subs gave the School District the opportunity to raise the rate on their own by simply asking them to, but now that they said no to a raise and got the AL to cheerlead the effort, it could blowup in their faces. My assumption is that the subs will now organize and join the SDNEA and have them negotiate a pay raise. Once again the SFSD passed up an opportunity and now it will cost them. Go Figure.

2 Thoughts on “Looks like the SF School District screwed another one up

  1. OMG, the Argus is now copying Fox News with that inane “some people say” bullshit?

  2. Do you know who the Ed Board is? No surprise. I had to laugh today during Belfrage’s show, a caller talked about how there is probably no minorities on the Ed Board and they are all liberals. Couldn’t be farther from the truth. There are 2 men and 2 women and one of them is black. But the ‘liberal’ label really made me laugh, they are NOT liberals, they are however big government, big spending Republicans.

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