By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Councilors lose at the game of Monopoly, but they don’t know it”
  1. Midcontinent does give VERY LOUSY SERVICE for what I pay, but it is the only game in town. A service tech said to me once, “I can’t stop by your house right now, I HAVE to take my lunch in 5 minutes.”

  2. We had a CSR who wanted to dispatch a service tech to install the HDMI cable we had already bought and hooked up. It would have cost us $35.

  3. If you record a TV show, not possible. Midco is coded. You must buy their DVR service and lease hardware. Direct TV (satellite dish) is becoming popular. They have more channels with better programming for less money and do not use city right-of-way. The city loses big payments so be prepared for dish installation citations. I’m putting one in but will place it inside a new fake roof skylight. Midco has good internet service but it’s expensive. Redwood or Verizon is cheaper and you can use it away from home via a wireless modem.

  4. But if you use Redwood do you have to sit in the hot tub with Redi?

    I was at Paramount one night and that actor was there, and he was with a bunch of hotties. I almost walked up to him and said, “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be hanging out at the Falls with Redi?”

  5. PG: I’m putting one in but will place it inside a new fake roof skylight.

    You are really, really paranoid. The FCC has laws which prevent any locality from preventing you from using satellite service, and DirecTV and Dish are more that willing to go to court (as they have time and time again) to prevent any form of unequal taxation applied to satelittle services.

    There isn’t much to worry about. I have DirecTV but I’ll be the first to tell you it is far from perfect. Try to watch TV when it rains and it is hit or miss. The billing is a nightmare if you try to switch plans, the customer service and technical service is horrid, and the DVR software isn’t remotely close to the cababilities of Tivo.

    At least with Midco you can still get the basics on a television without a converter box. Thus you don’t have to pay for extra recievers on televisions in rooms which aren’t used all that often like you do with DirecTV or Dish.

    I have found with cable companies you get bad customer service no matter who you go with, so I guess it is just a matter of picking the best of the poor choices. Just be happy we don’t have Comcast.

  6. Just be happy we don’t have Comcast.


    The day they come to town is the day I abondon cable TV altogether in favor of Hulu, netflix, and Boxee.

  7. Thanks Costner, good info. I shall further investigate. Basically, I want to get National Geo and channel 41 without buying more than basic cable.
    I’m planning a skylight because the last time I did a per code unregulated improvement it cost me 5 figures and 3 years in court. The city is the mafia complete with goon type enforcers. Be careful, don’t post negatively here. Free speech is not allowed in Sioux Falls. I may do the skylight. It will be a huge clear bubble with a 4′ dish clearly visible from the street.

  8. DBS (direct broadcast satellite) is 12 GHz. and highly sensative to rain attenuation outage. Also, you need a separate receiver for each TV ($$). I’ll stick with Midco for now but eliminate the internet package.
    There will still be a skylight but with a searchlight inside for posting a huge american flag on clouds over city hall.

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