South DaCola

So I should be expecting my refund check any day now . . .


Another ‘feel good’ story about how the city is looking out for us(?);

A reconfiguration of wastewater capacity limits has saved the City of Sioux Falls millions of dollars.

Average daily water flows to the Water Reclamation Treatment Facility were consistently over the permitted amount that was set back in 1979.

The City faced mandated new infrastructure which could have cost up to $20 million.

Instead, the city spent $200,000 for an engineering study, which concluded that the current facility could support higher capacity.

The capacity limits were raised from 13.4 million gallons of water flow a day to 21.

The increase rating was approved by the state in September and presented to City Council on Monday.

While I think this is super-fantastic, I’m still curious why our water and sewer rates keep increasing? Notice they say the ‘City’ has saved millions, not the residents of Sioux Falls. This kind of shit just pisses me off, cuz you know they are not going to pass the savings onto us, just spend it on more crap we don’t need. I would prefer they just kept this info secret instead of rubbing it in our feces.

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