For the next couple of weeks I will be featuring paintings I have FOR SALE. I will be selling them for BEST OFFER unless otherwise noted You can leave your bid in the comments section, and if your bid wins, you can email me.



By l3wis

14 thoughts on “South Dacola’s big frickin’ art auction”
  1. I don’t think you should have this one up for sale. You aren’t going to get what you deserve for it.

  2. he already made BANK on this one.
    I’ll bid, the rockstar and his gf need a Xmas gift.

  3. Yes, it got vandlized there (I fixed it) but the vandal had to pay me $1,250. I told the police that it was worth $5,000 and I would take 25% of that to fix it. I cashed the check and built my privacy fence with the money and fixed the sharpie markings with a little paint and white-out. It cost me like $3.00.

  4. You had a few other pieces down there too didn’t you?

    I remember the first thought that came into my head when I saw this piece was that the artist had incredibly huge balls. Well played sir.

    What was the background story from the vandal? Was he just personally offended, drunk, both?

  5. I had all my stuff down there, I knew the manager. The vandal was piss drunk and an electrician (that is why he had a sharpie on him, electricians carry them all the time to mark wires, I guess) A waitress overheard him saying he hated the piece, because supposedly he was a ‘History Buff’ and it was untrue, that made me laugh. The piece is about the abuse of indians, blacks and the hypocrisy of christians in america. I never held any hard feelings towards the guy, in fact, I applaud him for acting on his feelings, what pissed me off the most was the pigs tried to negotiate with me so they would not have to arrest him. They were flat top hicks. I basically told them they were not the judge and jury, and the one pig said, “Well, then we are going to have arrest him.” and I said, “Well isn’t that your job?” You could tell they were annoyed because they probably agreed with the offender. I really have to give credit to the headlining comedian that night, he busted him doing it and grabbed the bouncers, it was fantastic.

  6. You should do an entire post about this… I find it fascinating. Bonus to the headliner who busted him too. I recall being there after this all went down and the Emcee made a point to mention it along with the fact that if anyone did it again they would be arrested. Good stuff.

    Care to share what the guy wrote on it?

  7. Awesome. Not that I have any sympathy for the idiot, but considering you clearly aren’t going to get $5000 for the piece it sounds like you might have slightly overestimated the value of this one.

    Considering the history of it – I’m actually surprised you would even sell. The sentimental value must be more than you’ll get for offers here.

    Care to give us an estimate of what your “reserve” might be? I’m guessing if I have to ask I can’t afford it, but it never hurts to inquire.

  8. When I got the call from the club, I just got done working, and as I was driving there I knew the Police would ask me the value, so I said, what the hey, $5000. Sure enough, first thing they ask me is what it is worth, when I told the one officer he said something like, “C’mon” and I didn’t back down.

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