
This toon printed in the Argus Leader and took up about half of the 2nd page in the Voices section. At the time many readers were confused and thought this was the ‘original’ plaque. I still laugh about that.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “South DaCola’s classic toon of the day • April 7, 2007”
  1. ‘Phillips to Nowhere’ has unrealized benefits. Teens now have a hangout for binge drinking and impregnation. It’s the prefered place for drug deals. It’s a homeless camp after the city bowed out from county participation and zoned out the salvation army. It will be easier to get heavy equipment in for a ‘Love Canal’ styled river cleanup. There’s now a place for illegal street racing. There will be an accurate count of city winos and derelects. Lots of minors game for sex offenders (more than 1,000′ from a school). It’s the best place to get a good whiff of John Morrell’s. Citizens have a dedicated place for anti-city socialist government demonstrations. All of the worst has become centrally focused. However, more police must be hired to patrol it and there must be public notice not to travel through evenings and certain weekends.

  2. I like to call it the North Ave. express. Easy way of going from downtown to the Penn and over to Cliff. Another wise investment from the folks at City Hall.

  3. PG- Don’t forget about the soil lead poisoning to.

    HH- I will agree, who doesn’t need an expressway thru that area?

  4. Phillips fall will be the legacy ‘Mumbling Munson’ will be remembered for. Truly, the worst mayor in Sioux Falls history responsible for attempted marxist socialist government.

  5. The worst part was he was re-elected AFTER he got breaking the law, TWICE! I call him our GW Bush, big spending, big government, crooked Republican.

  6. The reason he was re-elected was because the 10% of voters who turned out (blue hairs) don’t like change. Munson was “good enough” for them, so he got re-elected.

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