I will keep after this issue. A little (BIG) birdie told me that if Jodi is getting a job transfer, she has a six month probation time, that means the job transfer has to happen now, or already has. I have put some South DaCola foot soldiers on the case and will try to break the news.

Fingers crossed.

2 Thoughts on “Still no word on Jodi’s job transfer

  1. Warren Phear on November 2, 2009 at 8:24 pm said:

    For what it’s worth, Madeline Shields who is, or was hosting Inside Townhall is not listed as a Sioux Falls City employee on the city salary database.

  2. In response, For what it’s worth, Madeline Shields was a part-time employee and has a ‘regular job’ so that is maybe why she is not listed. I actually encouraged someone tonight to call her and ask her if ‘her services were not needed anymore’ but they declined.

    Maybe you should Warren?

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