South DaCola

The House passes healthcare reform(?), but it doesn’t stop the Republicants from still acting like a bunch of jerks (H/T – Helga)


GOP Gone Wild: Unruly Republicans Silence Women Lawmakers With Screams, Shouts, And Delay Tactics

This morning, the House began consideration of the rule for debate of the House health care bill. As the Democratic Women’s Caucus took to the microphone on the House floor to offer their arguments for how the bill would benefit women, House Republicans — led by Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) — repeatedly talked over, screamed, and shouted objections. “I object, I object, I object, I object, I object,” Price interjected as Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA) tried to hold the floor.

In an effort to delay and derail the proceedings, the Republicans continually talked over the Democratic women for half an hour. They sought to prevent the debate by calling for unnecessary “parliamentary inquiries” and requests for “expanding the debate” by an hour.

The GOP Objects To 40 Democratic Women Inserting Their Remarks Into The Record.

By Nicole Belle Saturday Nov 07, 2009 10:00am

video courtesy of Media Matters

Those uppity females in Congress. Who do they think they are, trying to participate in our democracy on one of the biggest bills in front of Congress?

Rep. Tom Price (R-GA), one of the GOP’s minions, continues the Joe Wilsonification of Congress to prevent discussion over Stupak’s amendment, one that may actually lead to effectively a ban on abortion for low income women:



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