
On the house

Politics: Bonds formed at The Fellowship’s notable C Street residence could play a factor in upcoming Kansas Senate race | Emily Belz

Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., who attends Bible studies at the C Street house, also endorsed Moran and has helped with fundraisers for Moran along with DeMint and Coburn. Another C Street resident, Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., helped with fund raisers for both Moran and Tiahrt earlier this year, before his own affair came to light.

Aides, Lobbyists and Contributors Among Those Left in Wake of Sen. John Ensign’s Alleged Ethics Scandal

Published by Lindsay Renick Mayer & Michael Beckel on October 8, 2009 7:02 PM

Here are the top 20 current lawmakers to get a little help from Ensign since 1994 (including contributions from his campaign committee or leadership PACs to theirs):
John Thune $16,000

By l3wis