South DaCola

Winter Wonderland FREE? I don’t think so.


I had to laugh, then cry, at this promotional poster for the Winter Wonderland at Falls Park, saying it is ‘FREE’. Hardly, it was estimated by the SF Parks department that the labor and decorations cost about $50,000 in 2008, that does not include electricity. The display is even bigger this year, so that $50,000 number is probably way off this year. While I think it is a great idea, I think it could be done differently. Other cities do similiar displays but they have businesses volunteer the expense and labor and use it as an opportunity for teambuilding around Christmas. Workers and their families of the businesses that donate volunteer their time to set up the display then the city foots the bill of the electricity. I think in the time of a recession it is a poor message we are sending by spending $50,000 of taxpayer money on Christmas lights when people are losing their jobs and eating at the Banquet. When you watch the director of the Gloryhouse beg to the council for a measley $8,000 to keep ex-cons out of jail (something that actually helps the community) you wonder where the city’s priorities are? And who approves this stuff? I’m just saying.

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