6 thoughts on “Alan Grayson tells Cheney to STFU, it’s about time somebody does.”
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grayson should get a metal he says it like it is and doesn’t care what ppl think of it we should have more like him
I saw him say that, it was wonderful. It should be a bumper stick.
I had to rewind it. Hilarious. It is too bad Pelosi, Reid or Obama don’t let it slip. Hasn’t this guy caused enough damage to our country, now he is out telling the whole world our president is weak, while he huffs and puffs like a steam engine because his heart is run by robots and computers. This is a guy who had to go to the presidential inauguration in wheel chair because he hurt his back lifting a box (full of skeletons).
I have a feeling his parroting daughter is gonna run for president and he is just out promoting her agenda.
I also got a chuckle out of Matthews, “What does that mean?” Give me a break Chris!
Chris needs to give everyone a break, what a douche bag, a used douche bag from a $5 hooker.
grayson should get a metal he says it like it is and doesn’t care what ppl think of it we should have more like him
Yeah! And punctuation sucks too!