South DaCola

Get your butt to the SF city council meeting tonight! Speak your mind about opposition to the Event Center funding resolution.

Reminder: City Council votes on event center recommendations tonight.
7pm • 10th & Dakota Ave. (not City Hall at 9th & Dakota)

Their resolution says they are accepting all the recommendations of the task force. That means they are asking for new sales tax to pay for it.
It also says the city must have “an accessible, user-friendly program to refund a temporary one cent sales tax to income qualified residents”. (nothing about effectiveness in reaching those who need it)

All this in today’s Argus Leader

The 657 rebate number refers to 5 months, not 3. I am trying to get the latest 3-month figure from the state. The July-Aug-Sept number is 630 households statewide. That’s all! for the whole state! (At the time of the census SD had 94,000 low-income households.) Note that the subtitle “People on food stamps must apply” is wrong. Anyone with food stamps is not eligible.

Here is a great letter to the editor about the issue.
2. a poll question on this

I have to work tonight, but am going to try to get off early enough to speak. I’m guessing the only dissenting voice will be Staggers.

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