8 thoughts on “Governor Rounds, the smartest, bestest, most coolest, awesomenest, honorable governor evah!”
Heck of a deal those repubs have going. What’s more disgusting is they get by with it.
Rat fink.
Did you see her interview on KELO last night? After saying that “anybody” is qualified to fill the position, she admitted she knows little about state budget issues.
As if this doesn’t happen anywhere else? I agree it’s wrong but pointing this out is like saying geese shit on the sidewalk, yeah it happens but what are you gonna do? Call out everyone that puts a person they know with little experience in place? you better have lots o’ time on your hands to bitch and complain. Peace out bitcher’s y complainer’s. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34285306/ns/politics-capitol_hill
Janklow caught some heat because he paid a little extra to get some into cabinet positions. At least the people he hired were quaified.
Good help is hard to find.
Give me a fucking break. This is an obvious appointment that is unethical. Maybe not to Mike, who has been doing it throughout his administration, but for you to defend this proves you have as much shame as he does, which is zilch.
He couldn’t find one single Republican in that district that did not pose a conflict of interest to appoint? Seriously.
Just another Jodi Schwan 100K. There are many of these. There should be a club or organization to give them at least some tone of professionalism.
Heck of a deal those repubs have going. What’s more disgusting is they get by with it.
Rat fink.
Did you see her interview on KELO last night? After saying that “anybody” is qualified to fill the position, she admitted she knows little about state budget issues.
As if this doesn’t happen anywhere else? I agree it’s wrong but pointing this out is like saying geese shit on the sidewalk, yeah it happens but what are you gonna do? Call out everyone that puts a person they know with little experience in place? you better have lots o’ time on your hands to bitch and complain. Peace out bitcher’s y complainer’s.
Janklow caught some heat because he paid a little extra to get some into cabinet positions. At least the people he hired were quaified.
Good help is hard to find.
Give me a fucking break. This is an obvious appointment that is unethical. Maybe not to Mike, who has been doing it throughout his administration, but for you to defend this proves you have as much shame as he does, which is zilch.
He couldn’t find one single Republican in that district that did not pose a conflict of interest to appoint? Seriously.
Just another Jodi Schwan 100K. There are many of these. There should be a club or organization to give them at least some tone of professionalism.