South DaCola

Hey, Chuck, if SF is so great and progressive, why did you move to Flandreau?


The heck with the Lewis & Clark water project, we’ll get water from this stone and maybe a little extra moolah to build an events center

I love the hypocrisy of letter writers sometimes (Gargoyle Leader);

I have been watching with much interest during the past several months – and, in some cases, years – to the way Sioux Falls and its citizens have been responding to quality-of-life proposals being promoted by leaders in the community.

I lived in Sioux Falls when it was more like a village than a city. Now the town has grown into a city with much to offer those seeking to move to a progressive area with good jobs, the Washington Pavilion, golf courses, theaters, a proposed events center and much more.

Here’s a little advice, Chuckles, when you decide to move back to SF, pay property and retail taxes here, then you can give us advice on what is ‘best for us.’

It takes money to make money, and the events center will bring a lot of money to the city and its businesses. And you know what? That creates more good jobs.

I couldn’t agree more, but you can’t squeeze water out of a rock. The money needs to come from some place else besides retail taxes to fund this white elephant.

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