
8 Thoughts on “Hey, Thune, how does that ‘NO’ vote on rape protections feel now?

  1. This is a terrible, horrible problem and it has been going on for years and military does nothing about it. Which means they condone it. Lots of stories written about women in the military being attacked and raped, but sadly the problem is still there. I would like to know what Thune and other congress people would think if that happened to their wife or daughter????

  2. Having investigated rape cases while in the military, I know for a fact rape allegations are taken very seriously.

    Unfortunately, sometimes women make it tougher on their female comrades with fallacious charges.

    One case I investigated involved what initially appeared to be a strong case against the man. However, we soon turned up witnesses which provided testimony in graphic detail which showed it to be a very consensual encounter. When confronted with the contrary witness testimony, the “victim” confessed she had been upset that the man had bragged about the sexual encounter later and wanted to get back at him. She was subsequently charged with perjury and swearing a false statement. Such incidents muddy the waters when it comes to the question of “who do we believe” when there is little evidence either way beyond “he said, she said.”

    The matter about which you posted, however, is a complete load of crap. This was a flawed bill which has been used as a political bludgeon to make Republicans look bad when anyone in their right mind knows Thune and others who voted against it condemn rape as strongly as anyone else.

    You’re obviously pathetically short on any relevant criticism.

  3. Yeah, Bob, the legislation was so flawed all of the Democrats and 10 of the Republicans voted for it. Give me a break.

    As for your ‘crying wolf’ story, I agree, sometimes it happens, that is why the cases are investigated, as you pointed out, but as of right now, most of them are NOT being investigated or prosecuted, THAT IS THE PROBLEM.

  4. Ghost of Dude on December 29, 2009 at 7:42 pm said:

    Having investigated rape cases while in the military, I know for a fact rape allegations are taken very seriously.

    This wasn’t about rape in the military. This was a private contractor who was raped by her fellow contractors while they were employed by our government and being paid with our tax dollars. The company did everything it could to bury this, and is now paying the price.

  5. Ghost of Dude on December 29, 2009 at 7:42 pm said:

    Err. Never mind.

  6. Isn’t Obama against the content of this one as well? If so, you dumb dumbs’, as I’ve previously thought, have zero idea about this amendment. This does not come as a surprise.

  7. I may be a dumb-dumb, but at least I am not a jackass.

  8. What are you talking about, I’m not a democrat, you are. So that makes you a dumb dumb and a jackass, har har har! Happy New Year l3wis, I pray for great prosperity for you and your family.

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