10 Thoughts on “I guess a majority of Sioux Falls voters are ‘Hot Heads’

  1. i’d rather be a hot head than an arrogant know-it-all.

  2. i take that back. he might not be a know-it-all.

  3. Plaintiff Guy on December 16, 2009 at 7:31 am said:

    Here’s some obstacles:
    1.) There’s no funding due to the economy.
    2.) Raise B&B taxes, they’ll stay in Brandon or Larchwood.
    3.) Raise sales taxes, we’ll buy from the internet or Minnesota.
    4.) Twice the cost from corrupt home-rule bid-rigging network.
    5.) Taxpayor cost to fund your mayor campaign.

  4. Ghost of Dude on December 16, 2009 at 7:44 am said:

    2.) Raise B&B taxes, they’ll stay in Brandon or Larchwood.

    Do you really think people will stay elsewhere because their room in SF might cost an extra $8?

    Me either.

    I saw on KSFY this morning that our local legislators are mostly either against this new tax or on the fence. It won’t happen no matter what they try now, so it’s back to the drawing board.

  5. http://www.ksfy.com/news/local/79376557.html

    I see Sandy Jersted flip-flopped once again. Pathetic.

    “While five lawmakers say they support the idea of allowing voters to decide if sales tax should go up to pay for an events center.
    Representatives Blake Curd and Todd Schlekeway and Senators Tom Dempster, Sandy Jerstad and Dave Knudson.”

  6. PG:

    “Twice the cost from corrupt home-rule bid-rigging network.”

    No way…no how. They had a ton of bidders on the 41st street bridge and their pencils were sharp. If anything, they’ll budget 150 mil and it will come in 8-10% below that number. Unless we’re back to boom times by then.

  7. Costner on December 16, 2009 at 2:41 pm said:

    The only thing is – if the bid comes in under budget you have to get out your magnifying glass and figure out if they forgot something again.

    Sort of like when the bids for the sewer project came in lower than expected…. but when they were done they realized they forgot to include the costs of repairing the roads.

    Or when that bridge ended up costing twice what was budgeted, or when Phillips to the falls went so far beyond budgets and they just paid it anyway.

    I think there was an issue with the windows in the Washington Pavilion that ended up costing more than expected as well (but I don’t recall the details).

    Bids are only useful if the city actually holds the bidders to the number. I realize change orders happen and if we decide to make changes after the project has begun, we should be prepared to spend the money, but the way things have ran the last few years it seems contractors just go back to city hall and tell them the project is costing more… and city hall ponys up more funding (sometimes without even consulting the council).

    I wouldn’t be surprised to have the city claim they expect a $155M bid and then brag when the bids come in around the $140M mark. Then after they are done patting themselves on the back and telling us how much money they “saved” the finally tally ends up costing closer to $175M when it is all said and done – but they won’t be so up front about that and they will once again try to sweep it under the rug when nobody is looking.

  8. CCFlyer on December 16, 2009 at 4:20 pm said:

    Okay, I know it’s a little bit different from the topic, but was I the only one who burst out laughing when De Knudson got offended by the whole “no trust” line? Anyways back to the point, why is our city run by a bunch of spending obsessed notherners? Honestly, and also why do we not have any young college, out of college leaders in the city or people that will voice their opinion.

    I will be perfectly honest IMHO Teri Ellis Schmidt and the CVB are the ones who are running this plan, and I mean really, if we had a some more wide range young thinkers leading our city, this plan would not be going through, the plan would be of different funding, and would NOT be at the current location that they want it to be at.

    Watch this go down. Epic Fail Task Force

  9. CC – Oh, I laughed. Especially when she said the “six hour meetings” – Yeah, watching TV.

  10. Plaintiff Guy on December 16, 2009 at 10:03 pm said:

    The bridge project went to an Iowa contractor because city criminals know they can’t rig it. Perhaps, Home-Rule socialism is compromised and (other than mayor executive privelege) some will be prosecuted. Constructive criticism helped. Sharp comment for the 5 points, compromise here. Add your own 5 and it’s top 10 reasons to not elect Costello.

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