Hey l3wis. Thought you might like this pic. From

Hey l3wis. Thought you might like this pic. From
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Proof that republicans do not mind shaking hands with marxists.
How ironic, Sarah convinced citizens of Wasilla while she was mayor to borrow shitloads of money to build facilities they did not need, and Munson has spent over $200 million doing the same thing in Sux Falls.
I thought there were supposed to be no cameras allowed.
It appears that if you are a “journalist” with the argus leader….you get a free pass.
Goodbye Mumbler. We’ll not miss you and eventually recover from your follies and $275 million indebtedness. You’ll be remembered as the traitor who replaced democracy with Home-Rule socialism. Truly, the worst mayor in Sioux Falls history.
PG: Proof that republicans do not mind shaking hands with marxists.
Which one is the Republican?
How ironic, Sarah convinced citizens of Wasilla while she was mayor to borrow shitloads of money to build facilities they did not need, and Munson has spent over $200 million doing the same thing in Sux Falls.
Wasilla Sports Complex by the numbers.
Here’s the kicker l3wis. Madison SD was about the same size as Wasilla when it was built. Oh yeah…they also used a regressive sales tax.
Wasilla Multi-Use Sports Complex opened March 6, 2004
Total facility size: 102,000 square feet
Turf court: 20,000 square feet.
Ice sheet: 23,300 square feet, NHL regulation size
Three conference rooms: 1,900 square feet
Construction cost: nearly $14.7 million
Cost to run the facility one month: $17,000-$18,000.
Electrical bill: approximately $10,000 a month.
Gas and utilities: approximately $5,000 a month
Cost to rent ice rink: $1,500 a day, if ice is already removed
Cost to rent turf court: $1,500
Average attendance, according to North America Hockey League, at Wasilla Spirit games: 654, including away games.
Estimated attendance Wasilla Spirit home games this season: 22,000
Number of conferences, tournaments, trade shows and large events scheduled at the arena in fiscal year 2006
The mayor had to stand in line with regular folks??!!! The mayor didn’t greet her bus when it arrived with a band and a key to the city?
Gross… Both of em
Plaintiff Guy says:
December 28th, 2009 at 10:01 am
Goodbye Mumbler. We’ll not miss you and eventually recover from your follies and $275 million indebtedness. You’ll be remembered as the traitor who replaced democracy with Home-Rule socialism. Truly, the worst mayor in Sioux Falls history.
Thought you were talking about Obama for a second there. The money is way off, you mentioned Sioux Falls, and mayor. Oh yeah, and the mumbler bit, I guess a teleprompter reader doesn’t mumble. Thanks for the clarification.
I am just wondering how many sheep had to be sheared for Dave’s sweater, that thing is huge!
The mayor had to stand in line with regular folks??!!! The mayor didn’t greet her bus when it arrived with a band and a key to the city?
Why not a laurel, and hearty handshake?
Thought you were talking about Obama for a second there. The money is way off, you mentioned Sioux Falls, and mayor. Oh yeah, and the mumbler bit, I guess a teleprompter reader doesn’t mumble. Thanks for the clarification.
The wingnut mind has but a single track.
Dude, that makes sense?
Yes. it makes perfect sense, and describes you perfectly.
Which one is dumb and which one is dumber?
Leadership. Where was Costello?