South DaCola

Plaintiff Guy writes a funny letter

Before you get all worked up over what PG has to say, you must realize, I detect a bit of sarcasm;

City government has not served us well. A higher sales tax is proposed. Our homes have lost value, but real estate taxes are the same.

With home-rule government, the mayor is king and the council is virtually powerless.

Citizens watched while wind energy production chose Brandon, the oil industry chose Elk Point, Lifelight chose Worthing and a resort chose Larchwood. Principal business interests in Sioux Falls are banking, health care, construction and agriculture. Call centers are laying off, credit card companies have had legislative restrictions placed on them, health care could become nationalized, the construction pace is none, and agriculture is in overproduction with weak crop prices.

It’s looking like Route 60 in Minnesota and Iowa could become a new limited-access highway. Minneapolis-to-Omaha commerce would bypass Sioux Falls.

The downturn started early this year, and there are signs of a population exodus. Will the last one to leave Sioux Falls please turn off the lights?

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