South DaCola

Resignations or bootsignations?


I heard from a reliable source tonight that both Tom Bennett (director of the SD Symphony) and Gary Wood (CEO of the Pavilion) were actually fired by their boards for economic reasons. Leave it to the mostly Republican boards to fire their directors over a problem caused by their savior, GW Dush.

I’m wondering if anyone else can confirm those rumors? Mainly Tom and Gary. I will give you exclusive interviews on South DaCola. Don’t be shy, I only bite in my sleep.

I also got a chuckle tonight when I was telling someone else at a popular restaurant downtown that the Pavilion has never been profitable, considering they get a subsidy from the city each year, and some girl in another booth gave me a dirty look.

Mind your own f’ing business and stop listening to other people’s conversations.  The eye rolling and head shaking does not phase me, I actually think it was kind of cute.

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