South DaCola

Sioux Falls swimming pool has first ever ‘Sour Grapes’ charge


Imagine that, fees went up 100% from last year at the new Drake Springs pool;

Also noted in the audit is the overcharge for daily passes to the Drake Springs Aquatic Center. Parks and Rec charged $2 for the child daily admission fee instead of $1 as it was at the old Drake Springs Pool. City ordinance allows $2 to be charged only at Laurel Oaks Aquatic Center and Terrace Aquatic Center.

This error added up to approximately $15,550 of extra revenue, according to the audit.

Hermanson said it wasn’t really an overcharge since Drake Springs now is an aquatic center, and the public was notified that the price was $2.

“It’s just one of those housekeeping duties that we need to change,” she said.

Because there is a difference between Swimming Pools and Aquatic centers. One of them is place where you can swim and cool off in the hot summer heat, and the other one is a place where you can swim and cool off in the hot summer heat.

Housekeeping my ass.

First off, rumor has it that you transferred $1 million to another park and shortchanged the new Drake Springs pool, then you build the swimming pool too small, then you raise rates 100% in a low income neighborhood. Enough sour grapes already. The voters said they did not want an indoor pool at Nelson Park. Get over it already!

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