
From a letter to the editor;

To those who oppose the ban because they think it is some kind of way for the government to control your lives, give me a break. Why don’t you try to quit? You soon will realize how much a single cigarette runs your life. Then we’ll talk about control.

Yeah! I only let big tobacco control my life not the government!

2 Thoughts on “South DaCola quote of the day

  1. Plaintiff Guy on December 13, 2009 at 7:07 pm said:

    Smoking is important relative to voter turnout (above normal). Given other angry segments, the mayor winner could be a real surprise. I’m worried the election will be rigged much like present city government bid processes.

  2. Doubtful, the county auditor and city clerk are very fair, open government people, I would trust the city clerk above anyone in city government.

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