Still amazed that the SD MSM hasn’t touched this story with a 10 foot pole. Are they protectionists of Thune’s record? One wonders.


These are the stories that they think were ‘important’ in 2009.

Here are the top 10 news stories of 2009:

1. Statewide smoking ban

2. Sanford-MeritCare merger

3. State balances budget

4. Deputy Mechels killing

5. VeraSun plants auctioned

6. NSF authorizes money for Homestake

7. Legislators pass openness law

8. H1N1 claims at least 21 lives in South Dakota

9. Rising rivers

10. Hyperion air permit

Rising rivers? That’s called ‘the Spring Thaw’. Dumb.

7 Thoughts on “South DaCola’s top story of 2009? Ironic Johnny’s connection to the ‘C’ Street Mafia and his refusal to support rape protections for women

  1. This list, and the media’s ignoring the Thune stories, reflect how the SD media is rushing to irrelevance. South Dakota didn’t balance it’s budget – the stimulus bailout balanced the budget. South Dakota failed to fix its budget for the following and successive years because there is no leadership in Pierre.

  2. You have to realize, this ‘List’ is what the SD MSM came up (the stories they chose to cover).

  3. WTF-ever. They didn’t make the “List” because they are non-stories. Nothing to see here, move along.

    The reason the local Media hasn’t jumped all over these is becasue they’ve covered John long enough that they know him. I doubt they agree with him, but they know he doesn’t take his marching orders from C st. and they know he doesn’t support/endorse/advocate violent sex crimes against anyone.

    Hate to pee in your cheerios, but unless the AL or KELO get bought out by George Soros you won’t see them turn any more Left-wing than they already have.

  4. Yeah, Sy, those what’s up with those wimpy liberals and their sympathy for victims of sexual violence? Sheeesh!

  5. Ghost of Dude on December 22, 2009 at 7:28 am said:

    Not to mention the C-Street family’s connection to the Ugandan bill that would make homosexuality a capitol offense.

    Johnny would do well to sever his ties with that organization.

  6. Costner on December 22, 2009 at 8:31 am said:

    Sy: Nothing to see here, move along.

    Too bad our “ultra left-wing state run media organzations” agree with you. I’m of the belief the story should be told and the public can decide the importance, but when the story is never even told in the first place… that makes it much more difficult to make an informed decision in the ballot box.

    That seems to be just what Thune is counting on. He has been doing his best mexican hat dance trying to get this thing buried before the mainstream media picks up on it, and his supporters whine and complain every time a blogger brings it to the forefront.

    I guess it is easy to tell what issues scare the living hell out of the far right, because they will do and say anything to bury them.

  7. anominous on December 22, 2009 at 12:33 pm said:

    Hey! Get that camera out of the locker room!

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