
Only in SD would we pass a silly law like this;

A federal judge will hear arguments Friday in Sioux Falls over a lawsuit challenging a law that requires doctors to tell women seeking abortions that the procedure ends a human life.

My philosophy is this; abortion is legal. If you don’t like that, take it to the SC and try to get it overturned. These BS state laws that are ludicrous are only a waste of time. Though I am pro-choice, I do agree with pro-lifers that there is nothing in the Constitution that guarantees a woman’s right to choose, in fact there is nothing either way. I have often said this debate isn’t about law, religion or morality, it is about science. Prove when human life begins (I think it is when you are born) and then you would have a clear case. Neither side has been successful proving it. Until that happens, this debate is moot.

Teabaggers; Still F**************** Crazy!


Here’s the latest in the ‘Revolution’. What was that Homeland Security report about domestic terrorism?

Crabill: [Quoting Patrick Henry] “If war is inevitable, then let it come, I repeat sir, let it come.”

We have the chance to fight this battle at the ballot box before we have to resort to the bullet box. But that’s the beauty of our Second Amendment right. I am glad for all of us who enjoy the use of firearms for hunting, but make no mistake, it was not the intent of the Founding Fathers. Our Second Amendment right was to guard against tyranny

South DaCola’s guide to a fun (but not always safe) JazzFest

Okay, this is my ‘Event’ of the year. In fact I can’t even remember how many years I have been going, I think like 10. But who cares. Most would agree that the people watching is the best part of JF, but there is some good music to. Nothing like seeing a bunch of D-Bag Republicans in their Tommy Bahama shirts pretending they are cool drinking Bud Lights with their over-tanned trophy wives. I digress. I have often preferred standing by the main stage and seeing the burnt-out drunk middle-aged hippies dance. Pretty soon that will be me! Woo-Hoo!

Okay enough of the stupid bullshit. Before I talk about the great music this year, we have to go over Detroit’s checklist;

– Ride your bike to JazzFest. Not only does this save you time and money, if there is a good South wind you can coast home. There is also a FREE bike corral that has security watching it.

– If the only time of the year that you drink shit American beer is at JF, you’ll have to load up on mini bottles of 99 Apples. Goes great with Coca-Cola or Sprite.

– Wear a hat, bring a hankee for brow sweat and carry wetnaps (don’t ask)

– Don’t sit in one place unless you are drinking FREE beer or eating FREE food (like I will be) Suck on that bitches!

– Stay for the whole thing. Don’t wuss out. If you come at like 1 PM on Saturday, stay the whole day. If you get tired, shower yourself with bug spray and take a siesta by the river.

– Try to refrain from saying things you’ll regret. I fail at this one every year. It usually takes me a few weeks to make amends after JF. Like I have said before, I have never made any new friends at JF, but I sure have lost quite a few at the event. Don’t cry for me Argentina!

– And lastly, and most importantly, if you are a hottie (of the female kind) please wear tight lowrider hot pants shorts and a tank top. Besides the stupid yuppies, hippies and zitty teenage boys, I need to have something to look at.


I’m pleased to say Sioux Falls best blues band, the Blues Bashers will be opening JF. This rocks, because while everyone is coming to the event they will hear the sweet licks of my best bud, and SF best guitarist Jesse Christen tearing it up. This year the BB will be joined by of course Bobby Berge on drums, Terry Brooks on keys and vocals, Derek Snow on blues harp and lead vocals and Sam Irish on bass (if you have never seen Sam play, he is the God of bass regionally, from Sioux City, and he is really fucking tall!)


Blues Bashers – 6 PM – Friday

Friday night also has a bunch of other crap going on, but who cares.

Saturday afternoon starts out with my favorite Jazz fusion band, The Bad Plus, currently kicking ass and taking numbers. Unfortunately, they are playing in the afternoon on Saturday (they should have had a better slot) but they are totally worth seeing. They would be a kickass band to eat mushrooms to . . . I’m just saying.


The Bad Plus – 4:30 – Saturday

The last two performers of Saturday are pretty kickass, to say the least. Keb Mo will heat up the crowd and Lil Brian will smoke your socks off. I will have to admit, it is about time JF had a fire breathing dragon as a closer. I love Zydeco, which is a hot rod version of polka, jazz, blues, Ska, creole, reggae or you name it, the jumbalaya of music, and Brian rips it up. It might be so hot the hippies may leave, or their hemp jewelry will catch on fire.


Keb Mo – 8 PM


Lil Brian – 10 PM – Closer!


Coltcockers – 6 PM – Friday (think college progressive band, but a bunch of old guys) They remind me a little of ‘Tapes & Tapes’

The Body Electric – 4:30 – Saturday (Rich Show’s latest project – heard they are good)

Truth & Adapt – 6 PM – Saturday (This time slot kicks ass, because I can watch them instead of main stage) Of course, big time Sioux Falls Hip Hoppers!


The Blues Bashers will be playing the American Legion Friday and Saturday from 9:30 – 1:30 AM

Jazz Guitarist Mike Miller will be playing the Touch of Europe Friday and Saturday from 9 – 1:30 AM

I suggest you see both acts if you are not to drunk!

John Thune co-sponsors anti-man beast legislation


And the GOP wonders why no one takes them seriously anymore?

A flailing economy, a Supreme Court confirmation fight, a push for health care reform, a move toward energy independence, and Republican Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas has a different priority: the two-term legislator has introduced a Senate bill that would ban the creation of “part-human, part-animal” hybrids.  Take that, Centaurs, Minotaurs, and Mermaids.

I guess this is what Thune means by supporting the views of South Dakotans. What’s next John? Banning Dungeons and Dragons?

The following senators are orginal co-sponsors: Senators Sam Brownback (R-KS), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Jim Bunning (R-KY), Richard Burr (R-NC), Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Tom Coburn (R-OK), Bob Corker (R-TN), John Cornyn (R-TX), Jim DeMint (R-SC), John Ensign (R-NV), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), James Inhofe (R-OK), Mike Johanns (R-NE), Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Mel Martinez (R-FL), John McCain (R-AZ), James Risch (R-ID), John Thune (R-SD), David Vitter (R-LA), George Voinovich (R-OH), and Roger Wicker (R-MS).

Read more about the ridiculous – H/T – Helga

‘Now’ our local newspaper cares what people think?


Anoher successful brainstorming session at the Gargoyle Leader

I had to chuckle on Sunday when I saw this story in the Gargoyle. Theresa Stehly went to Randell Beck a few months back and suggested that the Gargoyle has a page dedicated to city government once a week and have opposing views and opinions from regular citizens on that page. Stehly not only offered up herself to write a column, she also volunteered up me. Beck never really gave a green light nor did he give a red light to the idea, apparently he just passed it onto his Executive Editor. Obviously the AL’s concept is different then ours, because if anyone can take a good idea and turn it to crap, it would be them.