Why do both SD political parties suck dog doo-doo?


It seems anytime I hear bobbleheads from either party spew crap on local TV I find myself fashioning a noose before the end of a discussion. Are these people really that freaking stupid?

On Inside Smelloland today they had on politicos from both parties talk about 2010.

Let’s start with the RepubliKKKans. They drug rising GOP star Kristi Noem in front of the cameras to talk about her party’s future. I call Kristi South Dakota’s version of Sarah Palin, only 10 times hotter, but not sure who would win in a IQ test. Kristi kept parroting the same old SD GOP talking point that we are a conservative state. We are not.

Do conservatives and asslick neocons live here? Yes. Are they the majority? No. South Dakota is a centrist to right state. We continually send moderates to Washington and we turned down the abortion ban twice. The largest county in the state voted a majority for Barack Obama. You may be conservative in Castlewood Kristi, but that doesn’t make you the majority, but if it is any concellation, you are still the retired farmer turned rancher (whatever that means).

Now let’s move to the SD wuss party, the Demorats. They are poised to lose the Governor’s seat, again. They have picked an ex-Republican, wealthy Sioux Falls lawyer to be their leading candidate who thinks the best way to combat casinos is to build more of them.

I hope there is free tap beer at his concession speech party.

Who is calling the shots about the River Greenway project in Sioux Falls?


Wanna improve the River Greenway? Bulldoze John Morrell’s.

I had an interesting conversation with a reporter yesterday about the River Greenway project, we compared notes and came to the same conclusion; the city doesn’t have a clue what they are doing yet. As you know, the city just recently took out bonds for several projects, one was for the River Greenway. The night the council voted on the appropriations they asked City Planning director Mike Cooper what the money will be spent on (over $5 million) he could only account for a pedestrian bridge and the demolition of an old RR bridge. When asked what the rest would be spent on he said, upgrades like park benches. $3 million dollars for park benches? Wow! In other words, Mr. Cooper doesn’t have a plan, or at least it hasn’t been handed to him yet . . .

This is where the story gets interesting, remember a few years back when the Chief Misleader, King Dave Munson had a closed door meeting with Cherapa Place developer Jeff Shisterschnitzel(sp)? Well, supposedly during that meeting a contract was drawn up, some things in that contract are well known;

          Jeff received over $50,000 from the city for an option to buy land next to Cherapa for a new Event Center

          Jeff received a $400,000 interest free loan from the city for help with developing Cherapa

          Tipping fees were waived at the city dump for waste from the ZIP feed demolition


Boom! The sound of taxpayer’s heads make when they find out how much money the city is giving away to a private developer in the disguise of quality of life project.

But there is also some things in the contract that we don’t know about but have some suspicions;

          Did Jeff request the $750,000 pedestrian suspension bridge to be built over the river? Suspiciously being built right next to Cherapa?

          Is Jeff calling the shots on the other improvements of the Greenway and that is why Director Cooper could not answer the simple question?

Of course the last two are speculation, but wouldn’t it be great to see that contract and what was promised to a private developer? Gawd only knows.

Last I checked we live in a free country, unless you do that living in a RV


Okay, I know I have said this 900 times, but the Gargoyle Leader editorial board really doesn’t know WTF they are talking about. Especially when it comes to a proposed RV ordinance. I watched the planning commission and council discussions, an ordinance has yet to be hammered out. How do you create an opinion on something that doesn’t exist yet? And how many of you actually watched the discussions? After reading your worthless rant in your worthless rag today, it is obvious none of you know a damn thing about the proposal. Let’s review;

Campgrounds are designed for temporary, recreational activity. Hanging out with the family. Parking a camper for a while at some new destination to see the sights there. They are not, however, designed to be someone’s permanent home.

This is partially correct. If you are talking about state or federally owned campgrounds, you are correct. But privately owned campgrounds are no different then a mobile home park or an apartment building. If someone is paying rent to the campground owner and that owner is paying property taxes why is it any of the city’s f’ing business how long they stay there?

Even the swankiest RV isn’t suitable to meet city codes for a permanent dwelling.

How would you know? Have you researched modern RV’s lately? You obviously have not been in some of the them. Most of them can resist below zero temps, in fact I have seen trailer homes in worse condition then most RV’s in this town. Maybe the city should do something about that problem.

So the City Council has an obligation to address an issue that’s cropped up in Sioux Falls regarding campground sites. Some campers are staying there nearly year-round – through winter’s frigid temperatures as well as the summer’s sun.

It is not an issue, or has it ever been one. Even one of the code enforcement officers admitted in your newspaper one of the main reasons they want the ordinance is because one does not exist. Typical of SF code enforcement, make more unneeded rules. When this was brought up in the planning meeting a campground owner suggested that they should go ahead and put one on the books if they feel they need one. When asked how long he thinks campers should be able to stay he said, “Well in Wisconsin they have a similiar rule, you can stay in a spot for 365 days in a year.” Sounds like a simple solution to me.

Though, the visitors are certainly welcome, the practice of staying yearlong in campgrounds violates the city’s health and safety codes.

This is also partially true. The biggest thing the city was concerned about was propane tanks. I couldn’t agree with them more, they can explode if they are dysfunctional. So make an ordinance about faulty propane tanks. What difference does it make if a camper stays 180 or 181 days if it has nothing to do with the stay, but more to do with their propane tank? As for these ‘supposed’ violations tell us which ones they are violating. Code enforcement already has the power to enforce health violations on a private campground. How does a 180 day rule prevent people from breaking health violations?

To make that point even clearer, the council wants to create a definition of temporary so that campers know precisely how long they can stay at a campsite. Yes, any time limit – such as the 180-day span that’s being proposed – is going to be arbitrary. But it’s clear that a precise definition is needed, and certainly six months is long enough to enjoy an extended stay. The council possibly will delay its vote on the proposal until September, and if it takes that long to hear residents comments, that’s fine. Still, the council must set a time limit. It’s actually in everyone’s best interest.

Arbitrary? Then what’s the point? So now the Argus gets to decide how long a visitor is welcome? How is a 180 day time limit in my best interest? How does that affect me? Seriously? And who cares if they are just visiting, they are still contributing to our tax base by buying groceries and other products and services in our community and by paying rent to the campground owner who pays property taxes from that rent. Sounds like we should be doing all we can to keep them here as long as possible.

This ordinance is about code enforcement bullying, nothing else. Besides, even if a camper must move after 180 days, there is nothing stopping them from driving a half-mile down the road and pitching tent at another campsite for another 180 days. That alone proves how stupid, ridiculous and downright assinine this proposal is.

I hope the next mayor fires the entire code enforcement office on day one and starts from scratch, too bad they can’t fire the editorial board.

Isn’t Video Lottery GREAT!


I’ve been saying, once someone gets killed maybe we will all realize that this stupid experiment isn’t worth it;

With surveillance video rolling, a young man in plain clothes robbed a Sioux Falls casino at knife-point Wednesday night, forcing the 60-year-old clerk through the business by her neck.


The crime at Paradise Casino was the 21st business robbery of the year in the city, one shy of the total for all of last year. Video lottery casinos have accounted for about half of those.

Almost one a week! WOO-HOO! I have been kind of disappointed though, there hasn’t been one in my neighborhood for awhile. I love it when investigators yell at me and tell me to mind my own business.

Clemens encouraged casino managers to do what Paradise did: Lock the doors at night and leave it up to employees to let customers inside. He said similar strategies saved two casinos from being robbed earlier this year when would-be robbers showed up at locked doors.

Actually the first solution would be to install ATM’s in the casinos that dispense winnings from scanning a ticket so that the cashier doesn’t have access to large amounts of money. But the best solution would be to get rid of this stupid way of funding government, once and for all.