South DaCola WTF moment of the day

The Sioux Falls police department released the below photos of a supect who robbed a casino last night (7 in 7 weeks! WoooHooo!). But what is funny about the photos is that the police blacked out the suspect’s right arm (I circled it in red). WTF? It says in the article that he was carrying a knife, by the looks of the blackout, it looks like he was carrying a freaking samuri sword, and why cover it up?


Any guesses why they would do that? What do you think is under that spot? A tattoo of a naked lady? A artificial limb with a pirate’s hook on the end? He is secretly a transformer?


Federal Security sucks, again


Okay, this story is not funny, but I did find this part a little amusing;

the GAO cited examples of a night guard being found asleep after taking the pain killer prescription drug Percocet, and a guard failing to recognize or properly x-ray a box containing handguns at the loading dock of a facility. One guard supposed to have been at his post was caught using government computers to manage a private for-profit adult website.

I guess the site was called “T&A for the TSA” Something else that was not included in the transcript was the security officer who accidently fired his handgun practicing his ‘Fast Draw’ in front of a restroom mirror. “You talking to me?”

Maybe Dick Cheney is partially right, maybe we are less safe under Obama, but not because of him, because of inept Federal employees.