Do the Unruh’s have political clout anymore?

After Leslee got her ass handed to her twice in the abortion ban vote and her Federal funding cut on her bogus Abstinence education program, one wonders if anyone is listening to her and Allen anymore. Just look at Allen’s latest attempt at trying to scare the shit out of people about the dangers of FREE healthcare in America. After a fairly successful Tea Party that had somewhere between 1,000-3,000 people show up, and where he vowed that the revolution has started, his healthcare forum was a total dud even though he claimed 10,000 people would show up, the Argus said it was more like 325. And it wasn’t like the event wasn’t publicized, he suckered every TV station and the Argus Leader to cover the event, he also bought print ads, called and left robo messages on people’s phones (from his quacktorpractor office) and got KCPO’s political comedy show, The Facts to cover the topic several times, in fact KCPO even replayed the event yesterday. The crowd was swarming with the usual suspects. Every time a speaker would berate Obama the crowd would cheer, and they would pan the cameras to them and all you could see was elderly people that were half-asleep (wonder if any of them take advantage of Medicare?)

Even people who once sided with the Unruhs seem to be jumping ship, and taking the tea with them. Though South Dakota may be a center to right state I do think as the population gets younger they are slowly moving to the center and telling the neo-cons like the Unruhs to take a hike. For the first time in 30 years, the Democrats have a serious chance of taking back the governor’s mansion in 2010 and even though Obama did not win the state he did win in Minnehaha county, further proof SD is starting to come out of the dark ages dominated by a Republican party that has only helped the rich get richer by unfairly taxing people on food and utilities while letting the affluent skirt income taxes.

I think SD is in a transitional period, and it doesn’t include the Bushites like Allen and Leslee.

Good Riddance!

WTF is wrong with the South Dakota Political Blogosphere?


Just for clarity, I am not talking about the blogosphere in general, just the political sites. My site, of course, wavers between serious topics such as Sioux Falls city politics, but also has a satirical and pop culture side. I find many other sites to be very fair and balanced. If I had to pick the best, it would be Madville Times. Though Cory is left leaning like myself, but he backs up his opinion with facts and figures, I just back mine up with silliness.

I  am finding with more hardcore political blogs, especially the right leaning ones, is that they are either very extreme in their views such as Sibby and Bob Ellis sites, or they are just a parrot for Thune and the GOP party line (which really negates you from being a true political opinion site). I especially find it funny that Pity Pat continues to berate Herseth on her policies, yet she hasn’t announced what seat she is running for. And if she does decide to run for Congress, the Republican’s haven’t even revealed a candidate yet. So if your side is so awesome, where are all the other Thune wannabes lining up to run against Stephanie? It is pretty obvious that the Republicans need to get a jumpstart in the Governor’s race, they know if Steffy runs, she will crush them.

But I digress.

I just wish the SD political blogs would go back to covering actual political news in the state, not just regurgitating press releases from John Thune’s office. If I wanted to read that crap, I would go to KELO’s site.

Herseth holding back on announcement; Brilliant

Though the Republicans think this gives them the advantage, they couldn’t be more wrong;

As a Republican, admittedly you’ve got to love it.  Herseth Sandlin’s prognostication is going to make it all that much easier for whomever the Republican candidates is (and I have my own thoughts on that), because by the time she makes up her mind and chooses congress as I’d anticipate her to, Heidepreim won’t be able to build up more than a warm simmer, as opposed to anything approaching a head of steam.

And of course Pity Pat Powers who thinks smoking weed is worse for you then breathing second hand smoke in bars (oh the hypocrisy) is going to rip on the Democrats, he is Munsterman’s campaign manager. It’s kind of like a cigarette company executive telling you that cigarette’s don’t cause cancer.

Even the great Woster is stirring up controversy;

“Her taking so long is important to the extent that it keeps other candidates waiting, which shortens the time they could use for fund raising,” Schaff said. “It is true that early money is key for candidates, as it gives the impression that one is a credible candidate, making it easier to raise money down the line.”

I couldn’t disagree more. Even if Steffy decides not to run, I think it is a brilliant political move by the SD Democrats, I don’t often give them credit, but I think Steffy is purposedly dragging her feet. See, while four well known Republicans compete for donations, and beat each other up before the primaries the Democrats will probably just pick one candidate and avoiding the primaries all together. It will show that the Democrats are not only united but that when it comes to donations, they won’t be split up amongst a bunch of candidates. You have to realize, the election is over 16 months away. Patience grasshopper.

Dave ‘No Shame’ Munson talks about laws, growth and disappearing platting fees


This morning I saw David Kranz did an interview with Dave Munson, he was sharing some of his wisdom as advice for the next mayor. My suggestion is to do the opposite of everything he has done, and you will be just fine. I’m not sure if Kranz used this as Munson’s first quote in the article so that I could fall out of my chair laughing, but it worked;

“I think my advice to anybody is the same,” Munson said. “Make sure you do things legally. Do the things that are right. Just do what your heart tells you to do so that you can make things better.

Those of us who have followed Munson’s administration know that when King Dave talks about doing things ‘legally’ he means ‘try not to get caught’. During his two terms he has been accused of many violations of State law and city charter, yet no charges have ever been brought up on him, mostly because the people who have accused him of these violations chickenshitted out and didn’t follow through. They include

– Campaign Finance violations

– Approving 100% expenditure increase of Phillips to the Falls of $1.5 million dollars without council consent (violation of city charter)

– Private closed door meetings with developers promising them taxpayer resources (Cherapa Place)

– Stifling free speech at council meetings by threatening arrest and police intimidation

– And recently rewriting an ordinance after the council voted on it (Staggers pointed it out in a council meeting and Munson went beserk on him).

But the Monday morning funnies don’t end there. As I have said before the council has had heated debates about maintaining our current city streets, estimates are that we are close to $100 million behind on them and with close to a Half-billion dollar budget this year, you would think that we would be spending a large chunk on maintenance? Guess again.

Last year, the city stepped up street resurfacing and repairs. But Staggers said the city still is not putting enough of its second-penny sales tax revenues into maintaining streets.


“They know people are concerned about the streets,” he said. “We’ve had a street problem for a long time.”


Next year’s plan calls for spending $6.3 million on resurfacing existing streets and making other repairs. Last year, the city spent $4.9 million.

That’s right, out of a $500 million dollar budget we spend a measley $4.9 million on resurfacing. What a joke. When we are spending so little, on the streets you would think the city was broke. We will probably spend more then that refurbishing McKennan Park. Like I said, all about priorities.

But it gets better, as we gear up to build these precious arterial streets that the developers have been begging for, their 60% share in the form of platting fees has mysteriously been taken out of the equation, or at least Dave ‘No Shame’ Munson, The Argus or KELO-TV didn’t bother to mention it in their stories even though I tipped them off about it last week;

Mayor Munson says the second penny sales tax will help pay for projects in this growth period. The tax is estimated to bring in about $4 million dollars a year that would go to help developers pay for building new streets, sewers and curbing in new neighborhoods.

Make sure you do things ‘legally’ and if you don’t, mislead, mislead, mislead.