Don’t miss a bunch of rich crazy doctors tell a bunch of retired rich Republicans that socialized medicine is bad


One of the many speakers at the Healthcare Rally

Funny that they are having the rally during the day when most working class people will be busting their butts trying to keep up with insurance premiums. Of course they don’t want those people to attend because 90% of them support a National Health Care insurance plan.

When will Dr.(?) Unruh and his wife just go away.

May I count the ways I rock?

Though I could care less about my stats on KELO, I found it ironic that I had the most hits per post in June (5,961.50) considering uber-Republican know it all, Joel Rosenthal tried to get me banned from the blogs. What place did you come in Joel? Second? That’s too bad. Maybe KELO should ban you for being so lame.
