Is it finally over?



“Gosh darn it, I’m good enough, and now I’m legal (maybe)”

Wire Services (Argus Leader)

ST. PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota Supreme Court has ordered that Democrat Al Franken be certified as the winner of the state’s long-running Senate race.


The high court rejected a legal challenge from Republican Norm Coleman, whose options for regaining the Senate seat are dwindling.


Justices said Franken is entitled to the election certificate he needs to assume office. When Franken is sworn in, he’ll give Democrats a big enough majority to overcome Republican filibusters.

Coleman hasn’t ruled out seeking federal court intervention.

Wonder what Coleman will do?

After squandering tax dollars on his legacy for 7 years, Munson hands off past due infrastructure spending to the next mayor

Gee, should have saw this coming a mile away from Mr. Predictable, Dave Munson. After throwing money at Phillips to the Falls, Monkey crappers, bunny slopes and consultants for the past seven years, Dave wakes up from his deep sleep and goes, oh, that’s right, we have to spend tax dollars on fixing roads and sewers to;

“It’s something you have to do to make sure you’re repairing and maintaining streets so that they don’t become full of pot holes and chuck holes, and so that people aren’t out there damaging their cars and they are always having to have alignments. We need to be out there taking care of streets and maintaining what we already have,” Sioux Falls Mayor Dave Munson said.

This should be the number one priority expenditure of every mayor, every day of their term, not just in the home stretch. Even Munson admits that’s what he is doing;

“The infrastructure is what keeps us moving forward in the city and we don’t want that to languish behind, and so that we really have to someday play a game of catch up,” Munson said.

Of course we know who the real force is behind the expenditures, special interests;

But its not only the old streets that have to be maintained, 32 million dollars is set aside in the five year plan for expansion of new arterial streets. That expansion includes the Southwest part of town where Sanford plans to build its new research park, and developers plan to build new homes and businesses.

“We all work together but right now our focus is really on public works to make sure that everything is at the stage we want it to be,” Munson said.

You mean work with special interests to make sure they get what they want while the rest of scoop shit from our basements from backed up sewers.

Chico needs to quit Monsanto board. Immediately.


This letter says it all;

There are no benefits to a land-grant university from sharing its president with a multi-national corporation. Monsanto is in the business of making money. It pulled down a profit of almost $1 billion in 2008. It is eager for more and has no boundaries or allegiances to anyone other than shareholders.


A university is in the business of education and research. It should be an incubator of ideas and visions and should be free to entertain ways to make residents more independent from corporations.

Monsanto and other biotechnological corporations have been restricting university scientists from researching and publishing information on patented crops (see the Feb.

20 issue of the New York Times). A land-grant university cannot serve its mandate of freely disseminating information to farmers and other residents with a president who wears a Monsanto logo.

Monsanto is working on its image after a decade of bad press from hauling farmers such as Percy Schmeiser to court for allegedly planting patented seed on the sly. Monsanto is attempting to associate with esteemed institutions in hopes of blurring its achieved image: an ogre.

My biggest complaint is my tax money being intertwined with this corrupt corporation.

If we build it, they will come (with their Coleman stoves)


Sy read the Gargoyle Leader’s sports section on Sunday and sent me this comment about the event Center;

“There is a small but vocal faction that still wants to see an events center built downtown, but their prospects are bleak. In addition to logistical issues – facility space, parking, traffic flow – the downtown concept is seen as a deal-breaker because it’s enormously unpopular among the general public. – Stu Whitney

You know what else is enormously unpopular with the general public, Stu Whiney and his constant stream of negative piss he calls sports journalism.   When has the general public weighed in on the issue of Event Center location?   The size a paid consultant is recommending would easily fit at that Cherapa site and there’s more access points in and out than there would be at the Arena site.   Parking?  Again, we’ve paid people to look at this and they have said there is plenty of existing parking within reasonable walking distance, and that wouldn’t include any more added by replacing the River ramp or what comes in next to the facility itself.   


Another enormously unpopular idea is moving Howard Wood field and adding an additional $10 million or so to rebuild it out on basically useless ground tucked in between the Airport and the Benson Road exit.   The School Board wants to spend $5 million to renovate it, so that option was obviously not their first choice.   


We could build the 12K seat Events Center downtown for $100 million, match the School Board’s $5 million and upgrade Howard Wood.  Put $15 million apiece into additional parking at or around the downtown site, and into renovating the Convention Center to incorporate the Arena and add sellable floor space.   Total price tag = $135 million which is $15 mil less than the new budget number.    You’d end up with 3 first class facilities, with two sets of naming rights to sell, that would suit the City’s needs for the next 50 years. The projects could be staggered in a way that you are using one while you are constructing the others so you would minimize lost Event revenue.   Plus, this is the only plan that would draw in another 400 or so new hotel rooms which will help solve that problem at the same time. 


Again, the best plan is the one that will offer the best payback on the investment.   All the others floating around right now will short change us for a generation.