Gregg Jamison running for mayor? Probably.

A little birdie, and a pretty reliable source told me that Jamison is 99.9% sure he is running for mayor. If this is true, at least the special interests and upper crust will be well represented in this race. It will also make great fodder for this blog. I thought maybe Gregg ‘Real People Die in Floods’ Jamison may be running out of ridiculous statements, but it sounds like we better prepare for more. I can’t wait for the first mayoral forum. Bring the popcorn.


The Gargoyle Leader really needs to quit doing food reviews. Seriously.


Argus journalists are not even qualified to review fried chicken

Okay, I’m not going to defend UnoBologna. I could have told the reviewer that the food would be bland and ‘zestless’. What do you expect out of a Lebonese/French man making $6 calozones? Not exactly an Italian gourmet chef. But what irks me is how tasteless their reviews are. Take this part for instance;

I always enjoyed going to Uno Tomato for lunch – it was nearby, and the prices were good.


So, I was happy to see it reopened in a new location downtown, as UnoZoni Italian Kitchen. Unfortunately for them, however, it’s a few blocks south of the new Taste of the Big Red Apple restaurant.


If you want quick but just-decent Italian, you can get it at UnoZoni. But if you want homemade, authentic Italian, with a glass of wine to boot, Taste of the Big Red Apple wins.

Okay? WTF? Was this a review of Uno or a review of Big Red? I could understand mentioning a restaurant in another city for comparison, but one that is only three blocks away? Who edited this piece of shit review? What a bunch of garbage. I hope Ted calls the Gargoyle and chews ass. I also suggest he does what the Touch of Europe did a few years back, banned Argus journalists from eating in the place. I also find it an incredible conflict of interest to have a person who works at another popular downtown restaurant as a waitress writing food reviews. But we know the Gargoyle threw their code of ethics out the window years ago.

BTW- I have ate at The Big Red. I can sum it up quickly. The pizza was fantastic, but more midwestern then Italian, but the service was slow, the tables were dirty, the ambiance was shit and the place was cramped. It reminded me of a gas station deli eating area. I would suggest carry-out only.

Event Center task force meeting update; H/T – Sy

I decided to make Sy’s comment it’s own post;

Sy says:

I attended the meeting today (WED), they are stuck on the HWF/Arena site, but aren’t sure if we should build one be all end all Events Center or maybe look at two facilities. One for games/concerts and another for conventions/tradeshows/events.

Didn’t seem to occur to them that if we are talking two facilities, we should be talking two sites. They kept referring to an Arena vs. a Coliseum.

They want to figure out that question before they ask the Consultant to put together a pro-forma on whether or not the thing will fly.

They also were at the point of eliminating the idea of an indoor football venue, but didn’t want to make that call since the one major backer of that idea (I can only assume they meant Dykehouse) wasn’t in attendance.

I’ll give them credit, they are trying. But they can’t see the forest through the trees.

Some other points;

We are seriously behind the 8 ball on all phases, whether you are talking conventions, trade shows, concerts, games, etc. It’s amazing we draw what we draw. We lose or almost lose a ton of business due to lack or airline service. The person who usually signs the contract nearly craps him/herself when he looks at direct flights into SF vs. Omaha. We also lack the type & number of hotel rooms they want, the shopping & dining amenities they want, and the overall experience most of these people are accustomed too. It’s amazing we can book shit at all.

Also, they are taking their sweet time, but you can tell the sentiment of trying to please everyone is guiding the process. Again, the point of the Task Force should be to put together the best plan, whether or not it’s the most popular or it’s on the path of least resistance. They are going to put together a plan, then ask the consultant to give them the pro-forma to make it fly politically, which seems entirely bass-ackwards to me.