I joined the Bob Newland club


“It’s okay for me to slam other politicians and bloggers while being a puppet for John Lauck, but boy, if someone does it too me, I’ll cry like a baby and block them from my site.”

Pat Powers has blocked me from commenting on his site. Maybe it was because I used a real name that was linked to my site instead of being another anon#2011.

I guess Pitty Pat is trying to clean up his act since he is running his twin brother’s campaign now. Good luck with that Pat. Your right wing ranting past will come to bite you in the ass. I remember another blogger who tried to work for a governor’s campaign. Why don’t you call him up and ask him how that turned out. He didn’t quite make it to the finish line, last I remembered.

Hypocrisy and the SD GOP, a tradition they can be proud of.

And the hits keep coming . . .


Not sure why I look like a Cabbage Patch Kid

Another wishy-washy, suit and tie,  mediocre politician throws their hat int the ring;

Peterson, a former District 14 Republican House representative, says he sifted through many options about where he would go next and now has made a decision.


He will run for mayor of Sioux Falls in 2010.

Uh. Who cares.

Does the city continue to grow, stagnate or die?” he says. “But as I thought my way through this, we had to face the fundamental question: What kind of jobs do we want and what quality of life do we want for our children and grandchildren?” he said.

Oh, c’mon Bill. This is the same old crap you spewed at council meetings when you were cheerleading for the retail tax increase that benefits the bid developers and asking for handouts in the form of FREE facades to Downtown property owners.

Bill Peterson = Dave Munson part II

This week’s observation: Iran and Universal Healthcare


Iran’s new President, and he isn’t wearing a ‘Member’s Only’ jacket.

When I turned on my version of Sunday sports events to sports fans (the Sunday political shows) this morning, I was very disappointed, but not surprised. The topic, in between pharma commercials and right wing anti-healthcare reform was that somehow a revolution was coming to Iran and Universal Healthcare for Americans would destroy the country.


First off, I’m not going to rant forever, afterall, that’s why I have Eggbert as a contributor, but I will say this, it doesn’t matter if Mickey Mouse was the president of Iran, the country is ran by a theocratic dictator not a president. And unless the people rise up and overthrow him in the name of democracy, things will be exactly the same tomorrow.

And secondly, I find all of the negative news coverage of universal healthcare not surprising. Who funds media? Pharma, hospitals and insurance companies. Without them they have no advertisers. Just look at our local TV station, KELOSANFORDLAND-TV, Why would they cheerlead socialized medicine? Seriously?

I’ll have to say, this week in politics has been a wash, unless you count Ironic Johnny walking over the body of one of his fellow Republicans to take advantage of an opportunity that was handed to him on the back of a cheating whore.