Come check out Rocco’s car at Automania tonight!

This is Jesse’s (Blues Bashers guitarist) 1970 Dodge Coronet RT 440. It is similiar to the Super Bee, without the wing in back. They are kind of rare. He bought the car about 12 years ago here in SD and took the motor apart about 8 years ago to get more horsepower (it’s up to about 475 – yeah – not a green machine, about 14 mph). He finally got it back together and running last week.

He jokes that it didn’t run during most of the Bush Administration . . .  which is a good thing.

Oh the irony . . .


After Angry Guy posted a link to the above picture today, it got me thinking about a post Dakotawomen did a few days back about the media’s obsession with Beth Ditto’s weight instead of her talent;

On NPR’s website, former Sleater-Kinney guitarist/singer Carrie Brownstein discusses press coverage of The Gossip and their lead singer Beth Ditto, which focuses almost entirely on Beth Ditto’s weight, rather than her undeniable talent. She looks at a review by Elizabeth Day of The Guardian, which mentions Ditto’s weight and body size throughout, and even uses food metaphors to describe the band (Beth is compared to cheese, while the band is compared to a club sandwich).

While I agree that people should be judged on their talents not their looks (men and women) I find it ironic that the photo(s) of Ditto obviously had the cellulite photoshopped or airbrushed out of the photo like some bogus Senior picture. If Ditto truly wanted to be ‘shocking’ about showing her (very large) naked body, I suggest she does a photo shoot, warts and all.

I’m still trying to figure out how they convinced Playboy’s graphic designer to clean up the photo.

Freedom’s strongest front in Iran: Twitter?!?!?



Ever since Iran’s presidential election a few days ago, there have been massive protests in the country’s urban centers. While the government has been successful in shutting down most communications coming out of the country, they have thusfar been unable to quash the thousands of tweets coming from the protestors.

Helping the twitterers out by setting up over 9,000 proxy servers and launching DDoS attacks on Iranian government websites, the guys with plenty of time on their hands at 4chan.org seem to be this country’s major cyber warriors – all those jokes about the 101st fighting keyboard brigade must have struck a nerve. Even the Pirate bay is getting in on the action by seeding torrents of videos taken down by youtube for their graphic content.

The information coming out has included pictures of injured and dead protestors, video of the Basij thugs shooting into crowds, and communications to other protestors about which places in Tehran and elsewhere are safe to gather.

From all the information coming out, this appears to be the beginning of a big revolution in Iran. Let’s hope they can change their country for the better. Here are their demands:

Demands from the protesters  

1. Dismissal of Khamenei for not being a fair leader
2. Dismissal of Ahmadinejad for his illegal acts
3. Temporary appointment of Ayatollah Montazeri as the Supreme Leader
4. Recognition of Mousavi as the President
5. Forming the Cabinet by Mousavi to prepare for revising the Constitution
6. unconditional and immediate release of all political prisoners
7. Dissolution of all organs of repression, public or secret.



I’ll be back to update this with links when I can.