Ironic Johnny, Consultants and Cab Fares


Obama is proposing something that should have been done decades ago;

“The pay-as-you-go rule is very simple,” Obama said Tuesday. “Congress can only spend a dollar if it saves a dollar elsewhere. And this principle guides responsible families managing a budget.

But Ironic Johnny is having NO part of it;

“It’s like closing the barn door after the horse is out,” said Sen. John Thune, R-S.D. “Now all of a sudden, we’re going to become fiscally responsible after we spent (almost) $1 trillion on stimulus and increased the omnibus (budget) bill by 8.3 percent? Having spent like a drunken sailor for the past several months, now we’re going to reform?”

John? Do you think we are all a bunch of dumbasses? Apparently so. Past couples of months? How about the past seven years!!!! That horse is long gone.


The CC has a brilliant

idea on how to alleviate the lines at the vehicle registration office;

Minnehaha County Commissioner Anne Hajek says an independent study of long lines at the treasurer’s office might help to alleviate the problem –

Yes, because if something needs fixed in Sux Falls, throw a bunch of consultant money at it. I have a better idea; HIRE MORE WORKERS!!!!!!!



Maybe the city council should price fix food to in our city;

The city regulates how much taxi companies can charge customers for mileage, drop fees and wait times. The last time the council approved an increase was in August 2007.

I think one of the cab company owners had the best anology as to why this is really stupid;

Kinsley noted the city doesn’t tell restaurants how much they can charge for a hamburger.

But of course Vernon BrownKnows is worried about the children and unicorns, or something like that;

Councilor Vernon Brown said the rate limits exist for a reason. Unlike customers of other businesses, Brown said taxi users are “captive audiences,” making them susceptible to unscrupulous operators.

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You mean kind of like taxpayers being forced to pay and maintain city owned property or they will be fined? Is that what you mean by ‘captive audiences’? Maybe the citizens of Sioux Falls need to start ‘price fixing’ what this city spends on crap we don’t need.

Maybe the spaceship like planters downtown will turn into real ones and carry a cigar bar owner to the planet DB-1, where he belongs



Horror Hospital I guess I would have sprung for the less expensive terra cotta planters. (On sale now at LEWIS DRUG!)

Sioux Falls favorite bitcher (yeah, I don’t have the title quite yet) is bitching again about something that isn’t tickling his balls quite right. But his complaint isn’t about the cost of the planters to the taxpayers (which is F’ing outrageous) it is how they look.

Sixty-two round concrete planters are some of the last pieces of the puzzle to complete the Phillips Avenue project.  At $800 a piece

the planters cost almost $50,000. The concrete spheres are meant to bring some beauty to the curbside, but when it comes to the new planters beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

You could have bought terra cotta planters at about $50 bucks a pop, filled them with gravel and soil and they would have served the same purpose. What have I said about city hall’s Cadillac tastes?

But Tiny Brain Timmy doesn’t care about that;

Tim Kant, owns Stogeez, and two other businesses downtown and doesn’t like the new additions to the area.

“The people that we have talked to, it’s almost unanimous that they don’t like them,” Kant said.

Tim, Tim, Tim. Will you stop frowning for about 2 seconds? We all know why you don’t like them. Not only do they remind of that bad ass bead experience you had in college, they most likely block more seating at your patio ‘lounge’. Just admit it. You could put out an extra 6-10 tables if they were not there.

But what is more concerning is what the city thinks is appropriate amount to spend on planters;

Public Works Director Mark Cotter says that when city took a public survey, planters were number two on the list for the Phillips Avenue project.

Yes, I’m sure that is true, Mark. But $800 for a planter?! C’mon! What a waste.

Please run for mayor of Sioux Falls, Gregg. PLLLEEEASSE!


I wants to runs for mayor, cuz I care about the childran (and people who die in floods because of a lack of a non-money leaking Event Center).

After reading this today in the paper, I didn’t know whether to jump for joy or cry. It got me more excited then when Quen Be De announced on Monday during a public meeting that she WOULD NOT run for mayor:

City Council newcomer Gregg Jamison says he seriously is considering a race for mayor. “I hope to have a decision soon. The truth is, I am so happy to be a part of Sioux Falls, help do what we are doing,” Jamison says. “We can do a lot of great things. So, yes, I am considering it.”

It will be pure entertainment watching him bumble and babble over trying to answer questions at mayoral campaign forums while his dad will be emailing him the answers from an undisclosed location to his blackberry. Maybe even more entertaining then watching neo-con Lora Hubbel and Janoct Adja battle it out for last place in the last election.

Après moi le déluge

The real reason for the auto bailout package: Bush and Cheney didn’t want to be the ones to pay for automakers’ funerals and preside over their estate sales.

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While he tries to couch it in a way that makes it sound like the shit sandwich that was handed to the Obama administration was actually a favor, it’s pretty obvious that the move was nothing more than an almost Clintonesque CYA move to keep at least part of W’s legacy intact.

Somewhere, deep in the heart of suburban Dallas, former President Bush is wishing Dick would just STFU and retire already.

The city owns the sidewalks, so they should pay to build them and fix them. It's time to change the ordinance.



Don’t believe me? You should watch the public testimony last night where existing property owners testified that they are being forced to build sidewalks at their expense. All of them testified that when they built their homes they were told that no future sidewalks would be need to be put in on the backsides of their properties. So they planted trees, landscaped, put in sprinkler systems, etc. So not only is the city making them pay for city owned property, they have to pay to have other stuff removed too. And as far as I am concerned, if the city lied to these people, they shouldn’t have to follow the ordinance.

The second person to testify gets pretty irrate with the mayor, and says something to the affect that the little guy gets forced to pay for this stuff and all that it benefits is the big developers. Munson got a little irrate back at him and says he will not tolerate him making fun of city officials and ‘Fat Cats’.

The circus starts at 1:00 Hour into the video.