That's all we need, another Republican D-Bag



Another conservative that doesn’t know WTF they are talking about

I’m glad there is people dissenting our president. I encourage it, in fact. I think he has made several mistakes since he took office. For instance hiring lobbyists to work in his administration. But really, if you are going to criticize him, stop using the same old bullshit talking points;

“Everything Obama has recommended has turned out to be disastrous,” (actor Jon) Voight said, before listing the economic stimulus package, government-owned car companies, rising unemployment, Israel and health care. Voight said Obama “turned out to be radically liberal,” and said Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Obama adviser David Axelrod, among others, are to blame “for the downfall of this country.”

Hoodwinked! movie WHAT!? I think Obama was pretty clear that it would take 16-24 months for the stimulus package to really start working. As for the other crap you are talking about, Jon, Obama has just begun to dive into those issues.  And I may not be a 100% behind his healthcare plan, I do agree with his stance on Israel, they do need to stop building illegal settlements.

When are the Republicans going to realize if they keep complaining about a (popular) president without facts to backup their ridiculous claims they’ll continue to lose party members. In droves.

Keep talking.

Behind Enemy Lines: Axis of Evil movie download

The mowed around box – Part II


A few days ago I did a sketch of this infamous box my neighbor insists on not picking up for 3 months and last week he mowed around it. I decided to take a closer look to see if maybe the box was covering a hole or something. Nope. It is an empty box of a three-piece frying pan set. I’m afraid to pick it up, there may be something living under it that will bite me.

Open Thread: Blogger Epp REJOICES in the murder of Rock & Roll.

Even Funnier!

Last week Eppy the Babe Hound posted that we’re having a “blog war“. I would like to clarify that nobody is being threatened with physical harm. I’m not wishing any evil on Todd or Caheidelwatsit for their contrary views. They have lower standards in music than most of us cool kids over here at SouthDacola, and they contribute to what’s wrong with the music scene in Sioux Falls and the surrounding areas.

And for the record Cory, I DO think that Janitor Blob is a bunch of media whores. Whore might not be the right word, but I’d like to see how much $ actually gets donated to charity, as opposed to how many cheeseburgers Pat invests in with his share. (For the record, I’ve had great times at Janitor Blob concerts.. 15 years ago. I’m just not paying a $20 cover to see furniture salesmen plow through Happy Song, even if it is in the name of cancer research.)

'Sophisticated' Babe of the day; Rachelle Durkin


I thought I would one up Todd in the babe department;

Australian soprano Rachelle Durkin is one of opera’s most striking young artists performing at major houses worldwide to critical acclaim.

I also see that Dakota Women had to have a pity party about how women are not appreciated if they don’t have wax bodies. Boo Hoo. Trying being 5′ 6″, a beer belly and the voice of Mr. Bosley from Charlies Angels and see how many women pay attention to you. Not very many. Women discriminate against men just as much on appearance and even more so on wealth. I have had two girlfriends leave me for wealthier men. My saying has always been I am for equal rights and equal pay for women, but I am also for equal treatment. If you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen, or at least out of the SD blogosphere.

The Gargoyle Leader applauds special interests making taxpayers hold the bag for five years

Patience! I might agree with the Gargoyle Leader Ed board

that big projects and development take patience, but seriously? First off this project was rammed through by King Dave, because it had to be done ASAP, that was five freaking years ago! Our patience has ran out, it is time the developers pay the city what they owe us for the land, and they can fart around for another five years while paying property taxes on it.

That saying about Rome and how long it took to build the ancient city’s magnificent edifices also applies to quaint Sioux Falls.

You are comparing the Uptown development to Rome?! BAHAHAHAHAHA! It will be another ugly beige and tinted glass structure that looks like every other new building downtown. Just compare the interior of the Pavilion to the interior of the Sioux City Orpheum, no comparison. Developers in Sioux Falls are always trying to sell us on what they want to do, but at the end of the day when they have to foot the bill for sidewalks, landscaping etc, they will take the cheap route. Rome? More like Rowena.

The city agreed two years ago to sell a strip of land along North Phillips Avenue to private developers.

Yeah, what’s the holdup? Oh, that’s right, if you bought the land you would have to pay property taxes on it and pay for all the contaminant testing. So let’s just have the taxpayers of SF foot the bill until we are ready to start moving dirt.

But this part of the editorial really made me laugh;

As such details unfold, City Council members will need to ensure that it receives regular updates so that the project moves forward. And simply saying that no one’s keeping council members informed isn’t good enough. Council members need to take the lead in requesting the information they need.

Couldn’t agree more. But 1) they first need to know what they are asking for. City Hall often is cutting deals that the council has no clue about until it hits the newspaper or turns up as a council meeting item. Schwan was specifically hired to get info to the council or clerks office from the mayor’s office. Instead her main job has been stifling information. And 2) Coucilors often ask for information, but if they are not refused the information it usually takes months and repeated questioning to get information. For example when Staggers asked for the audit of professional services and consultant fees it took repeated requests and over 6 months to get the answer. Our elected officials should be able to get information within 24-48 hours when requested. Maybe the ed board needs to write something about that.