It's about time someone said it


Steven Van Zandt tells it like it is;

“I want to spend just a minute on a topic that never ever gets discussed in the music business — the music,” the Bruce Springsteen guitarist and “Sopranos” star said in a speech to the SXSW music and arts festival in March. “The reason nobody wants to talk about it is because it mostly sucks!

“Who are we kidding here?” he said. “Nobody’s buying records? Because they suck!”

He called the speech “A Crisis of Craft,” and implored listeners to get back to rock ‘n’ roll’s roots. Learn how to play cover songs, he said. Get people to dance. Harness your working-class energy. Take pride in craft.

What you trying to do Steve? Put Nickelback out of business!

It’s been two months since that speech, and Van Zandt is still passionate about the subject.

“[Rock ‘n’ roll] is a craft that has to be learned,” he tells CNN. “There are things you learn by listening to great records, copying heroes.” He believes that he said some things that people were thinking, but haven’t said out loud.

You mean, before you can start a band you have to learn how to play your instruments? Somebody better tell that to 75% of the bands in Sux Falls.

Can you hear that sucking sound from 10th & Minnesota?

The Wild rip credit-card-debt

The Gargoyle Leader’s Blazing Stewardesses rip editorial board (which is wrong again-but consistant) praised our Washington delegation for supporting the raping and pillaging of subprime credit card holders. Because taking 50-100 years to pay off credit card debt seems reasonable to them;

Sen. Tim Johnson and Sen. John Thune as well as Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin were representing the interests of South Dakotans, the job that residents here elected them to do, with their votes.

Flash of Genius dvdrip

We’re gratified to see them take this stand.

Because if First Premier has to lay off 5,000 people next year, we are screwed.

Is Vernon Brown running for mayor?

The Butterfly Effect 2 ipod vernon-corn

A little birdy (not a flying unicorn) told me today that Vernon sent out a fundraising letter to see if there is interest in him as a candidate for mayor. I’m trying to get my grubby hands on it so I can post it here. If it is true, it means that Vernon will be breaking a campaign promise he made when running against Theresa Stehly, that he would finish out his four year term as councilor and had ‘no intentions’ of running for mayor.

But we know how Vernon likes to flip flop on many issues (cough, cough, tax increase, cough, cough). What a strong leader he would make? Huh?
