Monday Morning Quick Picks

I guess the state spending millions on tourism contracts that are ineffective is a better use of  tax payer money then paying a couple state maintenence workers and HI-PO’s a little overtime;

Nonprofit groups no longer can host events at interstate rest stops after officials with the state Department of Transportation decided they are too much hassle.


The decision means the Sioux Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau won’t be allowed to stage “welcome” events for out-of-state visitors. For years, the group has hosted events – typically at the Interstate 90 rest stop at Valley Springs – to promote South Dakota and Sioux Falls.

Maybe it costs too little, and that’s why the state wants to do away with it . . .

In a state where tourism plays a big role in the economy, Ellis Schmidt thinks it’s in South Dakota’s interest to continue the practice. The events are inexpensive, usually costing the bureau about $100.

“That’s a pretty cheap way to touch a couple thousand people in a day,” she said.

And of course, representative Krebs found a way to spin the situation to make the state look good:

“Is it smart to have engineers picking up garbage? I don’t think that’s a good use of taxpayer money.”

You are right, why would engineers be picking up trash? Maybe the state should look into that?

Pastor(?) Steve DooHickey is still crazy – President Obortion? WTF?

And I see the school district is still in a state of denial over the failure of super precincts.

Former Sioux Falls School Board member Sam Amato also thought the turnout would be higher.


“I was thinking about 8 percent,” he said.

Amato said he went to his normal voting precinct and “it took me 10 to 15 minutes to figure out where I voted.” He called the auditor. Two Can Play That Game ipod “They were able to help. But over the years, I have never seen anything close to being this bad,” he said.

Obviously when have a former school board member who can’t even find his precinct, you gots problems. But as usual with the school district, don’t blame the obvious.

Politicians (mysteriously?) quiet about the dealership closings

Though I couldn’t give two shits about a car dealership closing in Sioux Falls (in case you have not noticed they are like pimples on a teenager’s ass in SF) the affect the major closings across the country will have on our economy and job market in the this country will be staggering. So why haven’t we heard one single freaking word from the politicians in Washington? Because we know who they protect, the execs at big banks not Joe the worker. I have felt that it would have been wiseer to bailout the car companies instead of the banks. The banks don’t employee nearly as many people, and the smaller banks who are not struggling would have divided them up and in essence eliminated the monopolies. It would have been good for everyone involved. Unfortunately for the auto industry, when they fail they have a huge ripple effect. This is just an example of ONE dealership owner;

The Edge of Love video

(CBS) Tammy Darvish owns 18 car dealerships, most of them in Maryland. Two were dropped Thursday and she’s waiting for word on a third. Three hundred people stand to lose their jobs, and 233 local vendors stand to lose business, reports CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes.

“It could be a cleaning company, it could be towing companies, companies that we buy our tires from,” Darvish said.

So I ask again? Where is Washington on this crisis? Ironically asleep at the wheel.