Telephone Booth Casino owners in SF are crying, again


Hey, Sioux Falls, this is what a REAL casino looks like

Let’s face it, a casino near Larchwood will actually be good for the Sioux Falls economy. It will provide good paying jobs with benefits (yes, Las Vegas style casino’s are excellent places to work) and people who visit the casino from other parts of Iowa probably will come to Sioux Falls to do some shopping. But the naysayers (crap-hole video lottery casino owners who have been robbing us blind for years) are crying in Sioux Falls. Let’s be honest, most citizens don’t care if you lose significant revenue or go out of business for good. That’s why when a VL lottery ban made it to the ballot box twice a majority of Sioux Falls residents said ‘Get rid of it’ we are sick and tired of it and the crime problems it has brought to our city.

“We believe that a new full-service resort casino at Lyon County would attract the majority of its customers from the greater Sioux Falls area,” a study by GVA Marquette Advisors said.

“Let’s be honest,” said Glenn Anderson, Lyon County’s economic development director, “we have the thanks to give to Sioux Falls. That’s the bottom line.”

South Dakota Sen. Scott Heidepriem, who tried to outmaneuver the Iowa plan with legislation earlier this year, called it “bad news for Sioux Falls.”

Bad news for the state VL coffers, that’s about it.

Kehl Management, which is sponsoring the Lyon County plan, wants to build a casino with 800 slot machines, 24 gaming tables, a 100-room hotel and an 18-hole golf course. The resort would be similar to Kehl’s Riverside Casino & Golf Resort in Riverside, Iowa.

Oh you mean there will actually be other things to do there besides smoking cigarettes and drinking cheap American tap beer!? You mean it will actually offer OTHER entertainment?! Where do they get off! Sioux Falls residents like their casinos small, dark, smokey and in a bad neighborhood. Anything else is unacceptable! C’mon Iwegions! Get with the program.

The study also concluded that a Lyon County casino would have a “significant impact” on video lottery revenues in the Sioux Falls area.

Like I said in the beginning, this would only affect a handful of casino owners not Sioux Falls residents as a whole.

“I’m sure there would be a lot of jobs created for Sioux Falls people,” Ketterer said. “I’m sure Larchwood couldn’t fill all of those jobs.”


If it’s built, Heidepriem predicted Sioux Falls and South Dakota would inherit the social and criminal costs that piggyback with gambling while seeing none of the revenue.

Sorry, Scott, but I am going to call big fat bullshit on you! If you and the other legislators are so freaking concerned about our safety and wellbeing you would have gotten rid of video lottery a long, long, time ago. I doubt we have to worry about little old ladies playing golf and slot machines as a ‘social and criminal’ concern. We need to get rid of our shithole VL casinos in Sioux Falls, then we will truly see the savings in social costs.

God will provide (and it won’t hurt if some taxpayers pony up to)


Alan and the Jesus time festival fun makers are at it again, looking for a handout;

He estimated that the purchase price for 200 acres could run as much as $1 million, and that his ministry did not have that amount in the bank.


It will be up to the task force then to figure out whether land is available for donation, or whether there may need to be some fundraising, Greene said.


“Maybe someone is sitting on that land now, and if they knew how it was going to be used, they might say, ‘This is God’s land anyway. We want to use God’s land for this ministry,’ ” Greene said.

Maybe JazzFest should ask Sioux Falls to give them a park to, “Equality and civil rights were acheived on American soil with the help of Jazz music. We want to use that same soil for enriching people’s lives with music.”

You could apply that canned saying to almost any non-proift.

Though I am not opposed to borrowing them land to host the event, similiar to what the city does with JazzFest because of the tax revenue we take in from visitors, I am, however, opposed to the city or county ‘giving’ them land. If a private entity wants to, good for them, but you better stay out of the city’s kitty when looking for manna from Heaven.

Among those who have agreed to be on the task force, which will hold its first meeting next Tuesday at the LifeLight offices, are Sioux Falls City Councilor De Knudson, Minnehaha County commissioners Dick Kelly and Carol Twedt, Sheriff Mike Milstead, Teri Ellis Schmidt of the Sioux Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Sioux Falls bankers Dave Rozenboom and Dana Dykhouse.

Great! Quen Be De Knudson. She’ll give away the farm if you let her. Whether you believe in the mission of LifeLight or not should not matter. Remember, separation of Church and State. You have the Freedom to put on your hypocrisy fest just as long as you don’t infringe on my rights (or my wallet). I hope these public officials tread lightly.