Pay for Play at the County Commission?

It’s perfectly legal in South Dakota, and politicians don’t seem to be bothered by taking advantage of it. I just wish the Argus would have printed the campaign contributions to the city councilors who took campaign donations from big developers and ultimately voted for a tax increase, oh, that’s right, the Argus was one of the biggest cheerleaders of that tax increase . . .

Sweetman interested in land for quarry

If the commission determines it can sell the property and decides to do so, Sweetman Construction said it would be interested in buying it to incorporate the fairgrounds into Sweetman’s existing quarry.


For now, Chief Operating Officer Patrick Sweetman is waiting as the county determines what its options are with the land.

“We’re not trying to influence anybody,” he said. “But I’m trying to make a business decision to plan our future growth.” That means either acquiring the fairgrounds or purchasing a new quarry site.


Members of the Sweetman family gave $750 each to Commission Chairman John Pekas and Commissioner Dick Kelly last year during their election campaigns, and the Sweetmans contributed $250 in 2004 and 2006 to Kelly’s state senate races. Pekas and Kelly were the two commissioners who opposed the interim funding for the fair association.Â