What’s that saying about a monkey and football?


This story has the all the elements of beauracrats doing what they do best; talking too much, pointing fingers and farting around. The levee project has been a political hot potato over the past year, for no reason really. The original plan was clear; budget a couple a million a year until the project gets done. Well that wasn’t good enough for Munson or FEMA. But FEMA has since backed off, so it was apparent that the old plan could be reinstated, and it seemed like it would be, until Munson thought he would get the money from the Corps, well that has since fell through.

May I suggest the next time the FEDS promise you $11 million in funding you get it in writing. Just a clerical thought. And secondly, since Munson backed off on the original bond AND FEMA has said the business owners are no longer in a floodplain, what will be Munson’s justification to take out a $38 million dollar bond for a project that really isn’t that urgent anymore? Especially since he wants $20 million for monkey crappers at the zoo? And the city budget has skyrocketed to Half-Billion this year?

Seems like Dave is in a pickle.

And Ironic Johnny isn’t helping much;

Senator John Thune criticized President Obama for not including the Big Sioux Flood Control Project in the stimulus package. Thune says the lack of funding for the project shows that President Obama does not think the residents of Sioux Falls are a priority.

Uh, John, I thought you were against the stimulus package? Shouldn’t you be applauding that SF didn’t get the money for a project that can wait?

“I was really led to believe we were going to get some money,” Mayor Dave Munson said. “This is seriously one of the biggest disappointments I’ve had in my time as mayor.

Why, because you look dumber then a doornail on how you handled the whole matter? I say stick to the original plan of doing a little each year until it’s done and move on already. Everyone from Herseth-Sandlins’ drycleaner to Dave Munson’s dentist look like boneheads on how this was managed.

“This is exactly the type of project that the Recovery Act was meant to fund,” Sen. Tim Johnson said. “The Big Sioux Flood Control project is ready to go right now and is desperately needed.”

Yes, Timmy, I’m sure those words are so sincere. And I am sure they have NOTHING to do with Dave doing all those TV commercials for you.

Politicians never dissapoint, just give them a viagra and a football.

The REAL reason the hiring request was denied; Politics

It’s no secret that Pam Nelson (A Democrat) and County Commissioners Twedt and Hajek (Republicans) have never gotten along, so yesterday’s hiring request denial was no surprise. But it had little to do with the economy especially when the request was simply to replace someone who recently quit;

The Minnehaha County Commission on Tuesday denied a request from treasurer Pam Nelson to fill a vacancy in her office for a tax and license specialist, even though Nelson said she has money in her budget to do so.

Commissioners Anne Hajek and Carol Twedt questioned whether the treasurer needed to fill the vacant position because the 11 customer service windows in the treasurer’s office are not always fully staffed – especially now, during a recession.

What the Gargoyle Leader reporter leaves out in the article is that during the meeting Hajek brings up the fact that Pam Nelson supports our Tax Petition Drive, and says something to the fact that Pam should understand that during these economic times that in order to keep taxes low (which she is helping us with) we need to cut back on staff, and would think she understands. I guess Anne had no quarms about bringing it up during the public meeting. Though I agree with that argument it’s coming from the wrong person. The county receives funds from property taxes and fees not retail taxes, and Anne knows it.

So was it about saving coin, or about politics? I think we know.

Anne has also approached Theresa Stehly a few times and has given her a couple of good ribbings about our tax petition. I appreciate Anne’s honesty and passion about taxing us regressively to build playgrounds for the rich, but I double dog dare her to approach me about the subject. She’ll find out what a REAL ribbing is. Maybe she can borrow the Sheriff’s Armored Vehicle before she does it, you know, the ‘wise’ choice of spending tax payer’s money . . .

The Mummy’s Ghost psp

While most American cities are cutting back, Sioux Falls’ 2009 budget jumps $89 million to over a half a billion, and it is only April


A $70,000 Laser. I couldn’t think of a better expenditure for a city during a recession.

Tax receipts down. Who cares.

5,000 jobs loss. Whatever.

Commercial construction down 50% from last year. It doesn’t matter.

I was looking at the Sioux Falls budget report yesterday and I found the final numbers, interesting, to say the least. While most cities are cutting like crazy the city of Sioux Falls is gearing up to SPEND MORE. $89 million more. And it is only April! Many of the expenditures are carry over from the previous year, but really? During a recession the city wants to spend MORE instead of LESS?


(Image was cropped for formatting purposes)

Okay, I am not surprised, but where is our MSM on this?

I combed thru the 22 page document to see if I could find anything ‘glaring’. I only found one thing (well two*), $33 million for rail relocation. Though I support the project, I don’t think taxpayer’s should foot the entire bill. I think we should use Eminent Domain to force the RR out, and pay them market value for the land. They can figure out the rest. Either way, it is 10 years overdue. *I also got a chuckle out of the Parks and Rec buying a $70,000 laser. Because during down times, you can always fall back on crappy free entertainment at Falls Park.

So once again, I ask, where is the MSM? You would think if the city was spending a cool $33 million to move the tracks, it would be a HUGE news story. Nope. Nothing. Nada.

So the RR relocation is $33 million. So what is the rest? My guess is that contractors have been begging for work, and since the private sector is deader then a doornail, they want the city to pony up.

Don’t believe me? The rumor is the tree trimming contractors are the ones pushing Project TRIM, because no one else is hiring. So my assumption is the contractors are doing the same by pressuring the city planning office for work.

Is it a city’s job to help out private industry. Yes, in some cases it is. Like deregulation and tax increments. But when it is work that can wait, taxpayers concerns should come first. It seems these days when the private sector is in trouble they want a bailout, even in Sioux Falls, but when the working stiff is in trouble, government tells him to go to Hell.

I thought Spektor was a Democrat already


The RNC has officially imploded!

I need to follow these politics more. I wonder if Meghan McCain is next?

Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter will switch his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat and announced today that he will run in 2010 as a Democrat, according to a statement he released this morning.

Specter’s decision would give Democrats a 60 seat filibuster proof majority in the Senate assuming Democrat Al Franken is eventually sworn in as the next Senator from Minnesota. (Former Sen. Norm Coleman is appealing Franken’s victory in the state Supreme Court.)

I’m not even gonna turn on FOX News today, there is probably so many heads exploding over there, the set looks like the aftermath of Hiroshima.

Looks like Franken better turn the heat up.