I would like to see Sandy JerkStore’s actual score…

Math is Hard!
I’m not saying I would do any better… but I’m not taking math tests on the news.

 And the same is true for Senator Jerstad; she filled out the ones she knew for sure, but left some questions blank.
“I thought it was quite challenging, but you have to remember I’m a long way from my high school math,” Jerstad said.

Minnesota students who don’t pass the test do get more chances to take it, but only every two months during their senior year. If they fail the retests, they won’t get a diploma. As as state lawmaker and former Augustana College coach and teacher, Jerstad says to her, that’s the part of the test she has the most trouble with.

“It’s good to teach and emphasize that, it’s very important, but not to make a requirement for absolutely everyone to graduate from high school,” Jerstad said.

All of our participants rely on some math skills on a daily basis..

The 'FACTS' got it factual for once


Yesterday on KCPO’s conservative windbag machine ‘The Facts’ they had on guest Professor of Law, Micheal Myers who used to work for Mayo clinic. They talked about the future of healthcare. Professor Myers was shockingly honest about medicine. He basically says that prescription drugs are poisoning us and America needs to get off of them. But the shocker of the program was when host Canfield kept pressuring Myers for an answer about socialized medicine. Finally Canfield got tired of dancing around the question so he just asks it, and Myers response was great. “Yes, I think the future of healthcare in America will have to be socialized medicine, that’s the only way it will survive (paraphrasing).” Then he went on to say it was the only way that makes sense BUT he also said that you have to take out the capitalistic / money making structure of the healthcare industry to make it work, which he concedes is what has made it so expensive.

Myers isn’t your normal fly by night windbag that they usually have on the program. He is 72 and worked in the healthcare industry most of his life for one of the top hospitals in the world. It was an incredible interview (basically Myers talking and Canfield sitting there dumbfounded by Myers’ honesty).

One funny part about the interview was when Myers says, “People are worried socialized medicine would destroy America’s high standard of care we have now   . . .  really  . . . we kill aproximately 200,000 people a year in our hospitals and we rate #27 in healthcare of industrialized nations.”

Closer movie download

You can hear more on Myers website.

See his profile

City Planner Schmidt is at it again, throwing misleading numbers to the media

Just another ‘feel good’ the ‘recession doesn’t affect us in Sioux Falls’ story from Stormland TV. As usual, Mr. Schmidt puts on his rose colored glasses and tells us how great everything is in Sioux Falls;

“The economy has changed and maybe some of the upper-end hasn’t really taken-off but there’s a lot of first-time home owners are going back in and some entry-level stuff taking off,” Schmitt said.

Okay, that wasn’t the rosiest news, but this last sentence raised my eyebrows;

City officials say new developer fee will raise more than $6 million a year. Another fee related to the 2nd penny sales tax could also generate another $4 million for the city to use on arterial upgrades.

Huh? Either the interviewer got it completely wrong or Schmidt is once again throwing fuzzy math out there (which would be no surprise). When the 2nd penny was increased the city specifically said the fees would generate $5 million and the tax increase would generate $5 million. They also said that the .08% would go directly to the arterial roads. Now it seems that extra .08% doesn’t exist anymore it’s just whatever the city decides to spend. Could be $5 million, could be $4 million or it could be $20 million. Who knows? Obviously the City Planner doesn’t. As I said all along, the arterial road projects were simply an excuse for the city to max out our taxes. One of the main reasons the tax increase WAS NOT needed is because the city already was taking .92% that they WERE SUPPOSED to be spending on the roads. Where was that money going?

Will the Statue of David be charged as a sex offender?

What’s the big deal with naked people anyway? Pretty soon we won’t even be able to be naked in the shower;

BOULDER, Colo. (AP) — The American Civil Liberty Union is lobbying for changes to state law to prevent streakers from being classified as sex offenders.

The move follows the arrests of a dozen people who ran naked down Boulder’s pedestrian mall last Halloween and faced having to register as sex offenders if convicted. The 12 ticketed during the Naked Pumpkin Run faced indecent exposure charges, but most pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct.

Also last year, more than 60 cyclists biked bare in Boulder to protest oil-burning cars.

The ACLU is hosting a public forum called “Naked in Boulder” Tuesday at the Wolf Law Building on the University of Colorado campus to discuss whether streakers, naked cyclists and others should be treated as protesters and pranksters or criminals and sex offenders.