How about a ‘Stalker with Benefits’?


No SEX for you!

This doesn’t work, A Seinfeld episode determined it already;

A recent study found that 60 percent of college students have been in a “friends with benefits” relationship, but that the possibility for romantic feelings — and a lack of communication — can complicate such an arrangement.

I have found everytime I try this I either end up with a stalker or a non-friend in the end. Don’t fuck your friends, but an occassional ‘foot massage’ can’t hurt.

Who cares? Seriously.

In fact, this hub-bub over moving district boundries is such a non-story, I will dedicate this post to OPEN THREAD.

“I think it’s important to know that this change is inevitable … and that the commission considered its work without regard to cultural, social or economic considerations,” committee member Joel Rosenthal said.

A blogger sitting on the commission? Hmmmmm . . .

Okay, I have followed government in Sioux Falls long enough to tell you it doesn’t really matter what district you live in, because as individuals our councilors are powerless under home rule. Besides okaying the occassional beer license or rubberstamping the planning commission’s recommendations they really don’t make any tough decisions, or should I say ‘well-informed’ decisions.

Happy Earth Day. Now go recycle your bicycle and plant a garden in the trunk of your hybrid while rolling your own cigarettes


I guess Angry Guy and I are adding to global warming;

Wouldn’t you know it – thin people contribute less to global warming, or so says a recent study.

Researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine published a report Monday, based on food production and transportation factors, that contends lithe people step livelier on the planet. Their carbon footprint leaves less of an imprint.

Who cares. Skinny people are boring anyway, and they are no fun at BBQ’s.

Makes you wonder how bad the books really are? Huh?

VIENNA, Va. (WUSA) — David Kellermann, Acting Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of Freddie Mac, was found dead this morning.

Fairfax County Police officials tell 9NEWS NOW they responded to his home around 5 a.m. after his wife alerted them to his suicide.

Kellermann was 41 years old.

According to Freddie Mac’s website, Kellerman was with Freddie Mac for more than 16 years and named Acting Chief Financial Officer in September.