Another Episode of ‘Whadda I tell yah’

Imagine that, as I predicted in a toon on Sunday, heads exploding over the Chavez/Obama handshake;

Buchanan: Barack Obama allowed himself to be disrespected. Now if that’s the way he wants to do it personally, that’s personal. But he’s the President of the United States, and his country was savaged and smeared down there, and he grinned all the way through it.

Yes, Pat, because Bush did such a wonderful job of protecting America’s reputation . . .

and once again, Dick continues to be a Dick.

Cheney: I find disturbing is the extent to which he has gone to Europe, for example, and seemed to apologize profusely in Europe, and then to Mexico, and apologize there, and so forth,” “And I think you have to be very careful. The world outside there, both our friends and our foes, will be quick to take advantage of a situation if they think they’re dealing with a weak president or one who is not going to stand up and aggressively defend America’s interests.

He may be a ‘weak president’ in your eyes, but he is kinda coming off as a leader with humility if you ask me. But we all know you don’t know Dick, Dick.

South DaCola Poetry Club w/Charles Luden


Shutter film


How big is the batch?
Did the wind blow the carrots away?
Was the rest of the lunch clean?
Is the paint bucket half full?
Is a bucket of paint too much for the next painting?
Will it be next to a door?
Can it be seen through a window?
Can a copy be made on a xerox machine?
Would one want to do that?
The title looks backwards doesn’t it?

                             Charles Luden

The Pavilion, lost money, again, imagine that


One tool you WILL NOT see in the Pavilion’s accounting office

It still puzzles me that a place that charges admission (except for Visual arts center) that after ten years, almost $40 million in building fees spent and over $10 million in operating subsidies from the entertainment tax, they can’t AT LEAST breakeven?

The Pavilion lost $216,000 in 2008. Wood gave preliminary figures to the city council Monday and told members the economy drastically affected the Pavilion’s operating budget.

“Starting in September we noticed, as I think we all did in our own budgets, we witnessed a pretty dramatic downturn in activity in business contributions, individual contributions and in patronage,” Wood said.

I would think with a new director and all, you wouldn’t use the same excuse every year (the only thing the Pavilion has been consistent on. And Councilor Jamison thinks we are ‘leaking money’ because we don’t have a new Event Center?! Wait until we build it! We will see lots of leaking.

As a director of another non-profit said to me anonymously a few years ago, “The Pavilion obviously has a budgeting and personnel  expenditure issue.”

Yah Think?!