Artist Shepard Fairey files a counterclaim against the Associated Press

Microsoft Word - Fairey v. AP Answer & Counterclaims 041409.doc

Sunshine Cleaning divx

Fairey is being sued and challenged by the AP over fair use practices regarding his popular Obama Hope image. But as you can see above, Fairey has a counter claim against the AP for using ‘his’ images as theirs.

Read Fairey’s comments. You can also read the counter claim PDF or his lawyers comments. Interesting stuff.

I was worried about Fairey losing this case, but it looks like he has the AP in a corner on this one.

Gov. Rounds announces April 20, 2009 – BOB NEWLAND Day!


After recommendations from Attorney General Larry Long and long time admirer Pat Powers, the governor felt it only appropriate to give him his own day;

“You know, I have never sucked on a number with Bob,” says Rounds “But I heard he rolls a mean fatty.”

Rounds also commented on Newland’s courageous work on trying to legalize medicinal marijuana,

“Bob has worked hard and has made some good headway. But as long as myself and other ignorant neo-con lawmakers are in power, Bob will never win, uh I mean, I wish him luck.”

Some festivities across the state to honor Newland include:

Mitchell-Seminar: “Who needs a roach clip when you have a paperclip”

Rapid City-Seminar: “An apple a day makes a good pipe today”

Sioux Falls-Seminar: “How to make cookies and brownies that make your arthrithis melt away”

Congrats Bob! You join the ranks of Doug Lund and KISS!

Sunday Funnies

Heh. Sam Donaldson really smacks down the ever-unctuous (and historically inaccurate) George Will on This Week’s roundtable discussion about the teabaggers:

DONALDSON: Oh, they weren’t saying that, George. What they were saying is, we don’t like Obama. And this is a proxy way to say that. Because it’s true, he’s going to lower taxes on 95% of the American public, and the rest are going to have higher taxes. You were quite correct, it’s not about the level of taxes. Those rallies were mainly, it seems to me, organized to say, “We don’t like Obama” across the board.

Isn’t it great when journalists state the obvious? Why do I even bother tuning in anymore?

Chill, Barack’s in the White House.

Kids today with their hippity-hop and their baggy jeans…

High school students in Albany, NY are using the president’s name as a form of slang. For example, when someone sneezes, say “Barack you.” Or, instead of saying “What’s up?” or “What’s crackin’?”, now those in the know ask “What’s Baracking?”

For more, check the NPR story here. It’s the Obama!cool-kids-obama-lo